6 | The Lord

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Luwen tapped her fingers on her temple repeatedly, deep in thought. She fiddled with the slip of paper resting on the table, reading the words one last time, before lifting it to the burning candle.

Flame consumed it whole, leaving nothing but a flutter of ashes behind.

The matriarch wanted to make sure Luwen knew that they were constantly watching her. She wanted to remind her of her mission.

They left less than six months before the effect of the soul transfer wore off. If Luwen succeeded in her mission, her soul would return to her own body.

But if she didn't, she would perish together with the princess's body.

The only problem now was how would she get close to Dai Yichen? She hadn't seen him since the wedding night, and he was never coming to see her. He didn't have a reason to.

But waiting around wasn't the answer. She would go to him, figure out his weaknesses, and strike once an opportunity arose.

Determination surged within her. She stood up and left her room for the first time in days.

She saw four guards at the exit, but no other maids were visible. When asked if she could leave, they prohibited her from doing so, reiterating that it was the rules that Dai Yichen had set in place. She wasn't allowed to leave her quarters without his permission.

He had her confined to his home like a prisoner.

When it was noon and her personal maid appeared with a lunch tray, Luwen held her back before she could leave. She hadn't gotten the chance to learn her name yet.

She began signing her words. "What's your name?" she asked.

The maid shook her head. "There are no names for the unspoken ones."

Averting her gaze, she turned and left quickly, leaving Luwen more confused than ever. Her questions unasked. "Wait, I–"

Silence echoed in her room. Once again, she was alone. The food dishes smelled delicious, but she had little appetite. Especially not when her mind was determined to find out where Dai Yichen's location was.

Suddenly, something clicked in her mind—a plan forming. In her own body, Luwen was a demon hunter. She had a familiar—a magical elf that took on the form of an animal to aid her in her missions or battles. Just like the Fire Wolves that Dai Yichen had conjured for himself.

If she was right, her familiar was attached to her own soul.

Even if her soul was stuck in another vessel, she could still summon it.

Growing excited, she gathered all the writing materials she could find in her room. She had read and studied many runes in the past, which was why drawing a summoning rune was easy for her.

Satisfied with her work, she placed the talisman between her fingers and closed her eyes, imagining the winter she was born into. It was her favorite season, and also the winter solstice festival where her village would celebrate together. Her parents would take time off work and build her a wooden sled to slide down the snow hills. They would sing and dance around a bonfire. They would make for her the warmest and most delicious dumplings and glutinous rice balls.

A smile tugged at her lips at the bittersweet memories, followed by a soft whisper.

"Come forth, my familiar."

There was a subtle shift in the air movement. The rune talisman between her fingers burned into ashes and formed into wisps of blue magic. Suddenly, a large snow leopard took shape before her, its paws landing on the ground lightly.

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