9 | A Hostage Princess

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Luwen's fingers fiddled with the carriage window curtain. Insecurity and caution crawled through her skin and bones.

Her eyes strayed to where the lord sat opposite her, his eyes closed. Ever since they met earlier, he simply gave her a nod of acknowledgement and exchanged a few words.

Now, he was resting in silence while seated next to her. He had almost recovered from his wounds, and the scar on his left brow was healing and fading.

He was dressed in a glorious black robe with crimson linings. The upper half of his hair was fixed with a red tie while the rest of his hair cascaded down like a silken veil. His fringe framed his angular face perfectly. A silver earring in the shape of a sword hung from his right ear.

He was a handsome lord, she would give him that.

But she hadn't forgotten her place.

This was the first time she left the manor ever since she was married to him. She could still remember how a stranger threw a stone at her on the street.

Her nerves kept her on the edge of her seat, but the earlier promise made by the Dai Yichen comforted her. That no harm would befall her as long as she stayed by his side while they were outside.

Eventually, she gained the courage to lift the burgundy curtain, allowing herself a quick view of the outside world. The city was vibrant; streets were clean and robust with activities. Buildings were opulent and well-maintained. The crowds parted for their carriage as they rode through the city.

"Why the surprise on your face?" A deep voice interrupted her thoughts. "Does this city fall short of your expectations?"

She turned towards Dai Yichen. "No. In fact, it's the opposite," she admitted and returned her gaze to the view beyond the window. Intrigued. "This city feels so...alive."

Her honesty made him arch a brow. Clearly, she took him off guard with her words. "Is it not the same as your home?"

"No." Judging from their expressions, the people over here were living happily, well-fed, and neatly dressed. They had their freedom. "We aren't poor or lacking in food, but I would think the people made a difference. I've not seen my people carry smiles on their faces publicly."

Under the matriarch's ruling, people lived in trepidation. All businesses and trade were carried out under her supervision. Whoever disobeyed her orders or fled from the clan would be heavily punished.

In other words, the matriarch compelled people to display loyalty by instilling fear in them.

Dai Yichen narrowed his eyes. "With a person as overbearing as the matriarch is, I wouldn't be surprised."

His remark made a soft chuckle escape from her lips, mostly because she agreed with his words. "You're right."

However, she startled him with her reaction, and he tilted his head to the side thoughtfully.

"You're a strange girl," he commented. "You're unlike the matriarch."

His eyes were a piercing shade of gray and never left her face, his gaze as intense as a midnight hawk. It felt almost as if he was trying to pry the mask off her face and stare into the deepest part of her soul–where her darkest secret lurked.

She hurriedly looked away.

People outside cheered for the lord and Luwen darted back inside the carriage to avoid getting hit by stones. "My lord, are we reaching the tavern soon?"

He nodded once. "It's right up ahead." A moment of silence passed before he frowned. "Aren't you going to ask?"

"About your business?" she asked, taking his silence as a yes. "No, but I'm very interested to know if there will be any food or wine served. After all, it has been too long since I've stepped out of the manor for a breather. Will there be a performance as well?"

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