19 | A Woman's Hatred

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Dai Huchen's wife was the epitome of pure hatred. With burning eyes like molten lava, tightened lips and cheeks flushing red with anger, she held an expression of revulsion and distaste. And standing next to her, Dai Yichen's eyes widened and his lips parted slightly to take in a quick breath.

As surprised as he was, he, too, didn't seem happy to see Luwen.

This alone made her stomach churn. The tray, which she was carrying the vegetable stew meant for him, quivered along with her hands.

It was a mistake coming here tonight.

Yerong had gone as still as a statue too. After all, he was facing the wife of the former lord. "Her name is Shao Wuying," he whispered under his breath to Luwen, and she was grateful to him for helping her quell her doubts. "Stay calm and do not provoke her."

However, it was easier said than done, especially with Shao Wuying's dress billowing around her ankles as she advanced towards them with the might of a tigress.

"You." She glared at Luwen dangerously. "What is the daughter of a murderer doing here on my husband's premise?"

Luwen almost flinched from her venomous tone, but she held her ground. "I came because I was looking for the lord."

"Leave. You're not welcomed here."

Do not fear her. Luwen knew if she were to portray a tinge of weakness tonight, she would receive Shao Wuying's tyranny for days afterwards. Who knew what tricks she would pull from her sleeves just to oust her from the clan?

Luwen's gaze sailed towards Dai Yichen, who stood right by Shao Wuying's side. From the beginning, he knew the maid's true identity and fabricated a story to cover up her sin, all because she was his sister-in-law. And he hid the truth from Luwen.

Because of this, her heart sank in disappointment.

She refused to concede to the woman's wrath. "Please forgive my intrusion at an obviously bad timing, but I wasn't aware I'm not allowed to step foot here. After all, you were the one who brought me here the other night, didn't you?"

She could see Yerong's panicking gestures from the corner of her eye, warning her to cease her confrontation, but she deliberately ignored him. Shao Wuying's face paled, and she became tongue-tied as she clearly recalled the events that happened the other night. "You–"

"I was expecting an apology coming from you first after how you deceived me the other night," Luwen continued calmly, "but I supposed I was overly optimistic about my expectation."

"An apology?" Shao Wuying let out a cold, humorless laugh. "It was your mother's work for landing my husband in this state."

This was the first time Luwen heard about the matriarch's involvement in Dai Huchen's incident, but it did not surprise her. No wonder Shao Wuying was glaring at her with daggers in her eyes.

"I'm sorry to hear about what happened to the former lord," Luwen said with a brief silence. "However, the matriarch has committed many foul deeds out of sight, and it is not my place to be held responsible for her actions."

"That filthy blood running in your veins is a good enough reason."

"That's enough." This time, Dai Yichen stepped between them. "You're taking it too far."

"Am I?" Despite her petite frame, Shao Wuying tipped her chin up in defiance. The rims of her eyes were red and swollen from crying over the past few hours. Her clenched fists shook in anger. "The matriarch harmed one of our family members, but one of her children is roaming freely on our grounds. That doesn't seem quite fair, don't you think?"

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