24 | Starlight

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Having dinner under the blanket of stars, together with the villagers and children, was an extraordinary experience. Even though Luwen was a complete stranger to them, they welcomed her with open arms and she fitted in with them immediately.

No one asked about her past. All they asked was her name and involved her in their activities. They were even concerned if she had enough food on her plate.

A warm feeling bloomed in her chest.

It felt like she was back in her childhood home, where she was safe and comfortable. Happy.

After their meal had ended, men were drinking alcohol, women were singing and dancing around the blazing fire pit. Children were huddling in little groups, laughing and playing with one another with colorful pinwheels and shuttlecocks.

Dai Yichen sat next to Luwen, casually holding a brown flask in his hand. While sitting on the bamboo mats, they brushed their arms against each other whenever one of them moved.

When his gaze interlocked with hers, he held out the flask. "Do you want some?"

She took the offer and threw her head back, taking a huge mouthful. Sweet rice wine flowed down her throat, sending a wave of mellow tranquility through her body.

Wiping her mouth with the back of her sleeve, she handed the flask back to him, noticing he was still watching her. He took it and had another swig of the rice wine. Watching him, a rush of heat rushed to her cheeks when she realized what had just happened; he had placed his lips on the same spot as hers when she drank it merely a few seconds ago.

She was the only one acting flustered while he remained unperturbed.

Silly her.

It wasn't a big deal, not to him. Not to her.

Stay calm.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Luwen blurted out suddenly. "Did you bring me on this trip because you believe I needed some time away from...everything that has happened?"

He lifted his shoulders into a slight shrug. "You look like you needed it."

Luwen smiled, unable to help it. "Yes, I did. You're a busy man, and I appreciate your effort and taking the time to spend it with me." She swept her hand at the scene before them, hearing the vibrant chattering and laughter singing in her eyes. "I never imagined I would sit, dine and have fun with others."

He agreed with her. "They treated me the same manner as they treated you on my first day in this village—warm and welcoming. It seems like everyone here has a past, but they're all living here hoping to create a better future for themselves. No one questions a person's past unless it's willingly shared," he said. "They make me want to protect the lives in this village."

"And I think you're doing well."

Dai Yichen watched her for a moment, his dark eyes reflecting the glow from the fire pit. There was surprise, warmth and something else in his gaze which she couldn't quite figure out.

Suddenly, he stood up, dusted dirt off his pants, and extended a hand to her. "There's something I wish to show you."

She took his hand, and they disappeared into the night. They went back to their carriage first, grabbing the lantern she had left behind. Later, they went through trees behind the village and took the path up to the mountain. There was a small opening to a cave, partially covered with luxuriant ferns.

Darkness loomed ahead, but Dai Yichen gave a flick of his fingers and illuminated the pathway for them with a line of little fireballs. "We must navigate the rocks and limestone passages to reach the underground stream," he said. "This might get a little tiring, but I assure you what awaits us at the end is worthy of our efforts."

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