The bicycle thief

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Scene: Bicycle store

(I stayed at Home while Phil and Luke went to the store)

Luke: Dad, this is the coolest bike ever.

Phil: Awesome. So listen, buddy… Certain members of this family don’t think you can take care of this bad boy.

Luke: You mean mom?

Phil: Your words, not mine. Look, uh… your mom and I are a team, and she- we feel like this is a chance for you to show some responsibility. Don’t make us look like jerks here.

Luke: I won’t.

Phil: Okay. One more rule.

Luke: What?

Phil: Have, like, three bike-loads of fun.

Luke: Thanks, dad. (rides off)

Scene: Sidewalk

(Phil comes across a bike left unattended)


Phil: Ten minutes after making a promise to me, he leaves his bike unlocked. All I can hear is Claire’s voice in my head: “He’s not responsible. You never should’ve given him a bike.” I know. I do a pretty good Claire. So I decided to teach him a lesson and let him think his bike was stolen. And I know that sounds kinda rough, but sometimes it’s a dad’s job to be the tough guy.

(Cut back to scene)

Phil: (riding Luke’s bike) Excuse me, thank you. On your left. My left! Your right!

Scene: Sidewalk

Phil: Oh, hey!

Desiree: Hey!

Phil: Hey.

Desiree: Hi!

Phil: Hi.

Desiree: Hi, uh, this is really embarrassing, but I locked myself out of my house.

Phil: Oh. Psshhh. I do that all the time; don’t be embarrassed. (starts riding off)

Desiree: I was- I was hoping you could help me. There’s a window open, but I can’t reach it. Would you mind?

Phil: … Yeah! Yeah, sure. Of course. You know what they say: every time God closes a door, He opens a window. Or I guess in this case, every time He- (loses footing on bike; gets off). Okay, let’s see what we got here.


Phil: I mean, am I attracted to her? Yes. Would I ever act on it? No. No way. Not while my wife is still alive.

(Cut back to scene)

Desiree: (exiting house) Are you sure I can’t get you something to drink?

Phil: Yeah, no, I’m- I’m fine. Really.

Desiree: If I knew a man was gonna climb into my bedroom window, I would’ve cleaned up a bit.

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