Airport (1)

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Scene : Pritchett household

Jay : Oh, I forgot to ask, did it hurt?

Gloria : What hurt?

Jay : When you fell and landed on earth.

Gloria : Fall from... Oh. Because I'm an angel! Why are you so

Jay : Maybe just 'cause I'm so damn happy.


Gloria : Today is Jay's birthday. So I'm taking him to Hawaii for a
whole week.

Jay : Big suite in Maui, just the two of us. Got Manny tied up in
the backyard... big bowl of kibble. I'm kidding. He's staying with
Claire and Phil.

Gloria : This whole thing was a big surprise. I did it all myself...
The flight, the hotels. Cost me a fortune, but it was worth it.

Jay : Cost me a fortune.

(Back to the scene)

Scene : At Airport

Jay : In case I forget to say it a few hundred times this week, thank

Everybody : Happy Birthday!

Jay : What the heck?!

Claire : Mwah! Surprise, dad.

Gloria : The whole family is coming with us!

Alex : Uh-huh.

Jay : They are?!

Alex : Uh-huh.

Gloria : Yes, and Mitch and Cameron and Lily, too.

Claire : Yeah, and Phil... he's just checking the bags.

Jay : Wow. That's... wow!

Jay : You too! Your business and your big exam is in like in  2-3 months.

Me : Well. I have finished my latest video game, will be in touch with company regarding sales and I'm all ready for my exam  And above all its your birthday and everyone was coming, so I thought why not enjoy it.

Claire : Well, it was all Gloria's idea. She bought all of our tickets and everything.

Me : oh..hoo.

Jay : Really?

Claire : Yeah.

Jay : Everyone's?

Gloria : It's your birthday. I didn't spare any expense.

Jay : Oh, gee. Thank you, honey. Are they, uh, all gonna be up with us in first class?

Gloria : Ay, no, silly goat. You think I'm made of money? Hmm!

Jay : Of course not.

Me (wishpering to Jay) : Do you need me to share some of the burden? If you want I can take all.

Jay : Oh! becoming all high and mighty haan. Come on, it's just But thank you.

Me : Always happy to ask.


Gloria : We're gonna go to a Maui, swim with the Miami dolphins,
take a tour in one of those... the tkkita- tkkita- tkkita- tkkita- tee- tee!

Jay : Helicopter. Helicopter.

Gloria : Mm-hmm. Yes!


Jay : I don't like activities. I wanted to hang out with Gloria and read my new novel. I got eight of them loaded up right here. I mean, I love my family. I love 'em at dinners, I love 'em at barbecues, But do I have to love 'em in Hawaii?

(Back to the scene)

Scene : Outside airport terminal

Phil : Thanks, Daryl. I know I got a lot of baggage, but don't
worry, I'm seeing a therapist. Just kidding, I'm fine. (Seeing Cam and Mitch coming out of taxi) Hey! Daryl, I know these guys. Can I borrow your hat? This will be hilarious.

Daryl : No.

Phil : Okay.

Mitchell : Aloha, Uncle Phil!

Phil : Hey. Hey! You guys excited about the trip?

Cameron : Oh, we're so excited. You know, this is my first time.

Phil : Really?

Cameron : Yeah, I know, it's surprising. People always say I
scream "Hawaii."

Mitchell : Who says that?

Cameron : People.

Mitchell : What people?

Cameron : You don't know them.

Phil : Hey, Lily. Hi!

Mitchell : Oh, no. Oh, n... I forgot my wallet!

Cameron : Oh, that's all right. I have cash.

Mitchell : No, no, I can't get on the plane without my I.D. Thanks
a lot, Cam.

Cameron : How is this my fault?

Mitchell : Because if you had done what I asked you to do this morning, then I wouldn't have been overwhelmed and I would have remembered my wallet!

(Falshback at Pritchett-Tucker household)

Mitchell : All right, we still need to pack Lily's toys, Print the
boarding passes... oh Stop the newspaper. (Cameron comes in the room and start taking out Lilly's clothes out of the suitcase)
Hey, no, wait. What are you doing? I just packed those.

Cameron : Oh, she just looks so cute in this outfit. I want her
looking her best for Jasper.

Mitchell : Nothing you just said made any sense to me.

Cameron : Jasper and his mother are coming over for a playdate.
We scheduled it weeks ago.

Mitchell : We're about to leave for the airport!

Cameron : Not for an hour, And this is the only time Jasper could
do it.

Mitchell : Really? How full is Jasper's calendar?

Cameron : This is a coup. When you get in with Jasper, doors
open. He's a legacy at happy time preschool.

Mitchell : We're kissing up to a 10-month old?

Cameron : I just want him to like us. Okay, that's them.

Mitchell : All right, but just in and out. You know, we still have a
million things to do.

Cameron : Would you relax? You always worry. It always gets
done. Oh, and we're methodists. So...

(Back to the scene)

Mitchell : Ah. Who am I kidding? I-I'm not making this flight.

Phil : Unh-unh. I can get you home and back before the plane
takes off. Let's go! Daryl, see if you can stall the plane. That's... I
will get you later.

Mitchell : I really... I really don't think there's enough time.

Cameron : No, just... I'll meet you at the gate. Go!

Mitchell : Okay, but you won't get on the plane without me, right?

Cameron : Oh. Well...

Mitchell : Seriously? You were gonna get on the plane?! Cam!

Cameron : Just go!

Phil : Nope. Gotta get that one. Door. Okay. I can't... ohh.

Mitchell : All right. Just drive! Just drive! Just drive! I'll get the

(Cut the scene)

Scene : At waiting area

Haley : Hey, check out that cute guy.

Alex : He's out of your league. He's reading a book.

Haley : I know.

Cameron : Here today, gone to Maui!

Claire : Hey. Have you seen Phil?

Cameron : Oh, he drove Mitchell back to get his wallet.

Claire : What?

Cameron : Yeah, he said he's gonna make it back in time, but I think it's gonna be close.

Claire : So he left me here.

(Flashback at Dunphy household)

Claire : Haley is still asleep! And I have no idea where Luke is.
And are you even ready?

Phil : My bag's in the living room. Everything's gonna be okay.

Claire : Okay, fine. I'm sorry, I'm a little tense. (Starts pouring coffee for herself)

Phil : Coffee'll help that. (Sarcasm)

Claire : You're right.

Phil : We've been over this. Air travel is incredibly safe.

Claire : I know. I know, but at the end of the day, it is still a
building on its side being thrown from one place to another.

Phil : Not in the movie.

Claire : Not helping.

Phil : Do you want to take something, maybe calm your nerves?

Claire : No. No, I want to be alert if the kids need me.

Phil : What a mom. Sometimes I wish you were my mom.

Claire : Oh, God, Phil. I'm already feeling a little queasy. I hate this
feeling. I hate it, and it's just gonna get worse and worse until the flight.

Phil : Hey. It's gonna be fine. Uncle Phil's here. Great job, buddy!
First one ready! Haley and Alex, let's go! (Someone sneezes) Bless you.

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