Direct Market readiness

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Day for the local level chemistry Olympiad exam finally landed. Like previous time, I reached the exam centre and entered the exam hall. At local level, only written questions are asked in both physics and chemistry; experiment or practical exam is conducted on state and national level and then on international level.

Exam went smoothly and once again I was able to complete whole paper quite early. Difficulty of these local/regional level exams are negligent for me. With local/regional level exams being finished, I can oversee other business related matters as well.


While everyone is readying up and making up a timeline for the upcoming month's Volume Book upheaval, so are the comic book stores or the direct market that would bear the entire brunt of it.

Unlike the semi-ignorant masses that only knew what was happening from a superficial level, the owners and their employees are gearing themselves up for the things that they exclusively know.

As much as everyone outside are analyzing how Dunphy Comics has reached their staggering success, it is those in the direct market that know much more and would be getting a much-grounded outlook on everything.

They are the ones to oversee everything as the bridge between Dunphy Comics and their ever- growing fanbase after all.

They've heard the words of appreciation, debates, theories, and firsthand expressions that everyone have towards the stories.

The Dunphy trains, either buy or Survey, isn't just symbolism to the major flow of the industry but how the direct market would get a much conducive outlook on the progression of the market.

As far as their eavesdropping and their employee observations have gathered, everything Dunphy is the major trend and it is incrementally increasing by every day.

It would go as far as technically society-influencing movements when they think much further on it. As many major benefits and hidden influential power that Dunphy Comics has gained from all of it, those in the direct market only have gratitude to give back from their established connection.

The popular Volume Books itself is the most stable source of income that came into their midst. Trade paperback was something that was their specialty but it had a limited relevance while the Dunphy- types has much long-standing influence due to the issues being scheduled to be released in the long term.

As such, they haven't much doubt or delay when the new Dunphy Comics initiative was explained to them. Aside from the 10-in-1 deal, the premise of an endearing merchandise is much too great to take a pass on.


While their customers are still hooked up and sure of themselves from the explicit promise of Volume Books, the store owners are already setting up Dunphy Comics' hidden trap that would catch everyone off guard.

For the last two months, they've already been gearing up with all the 'new merchandise' plans that Dunphy Comics have in mind.

It is still in relative secrecy though as the hooking #10s and #20s has lulled the market into thinking that it is all the biggest surprise of the month.

Unfortunately for the fooled masses and fortunately for everyone overall, Volume Books is just the surface level of the layering autumn leaves.

Dunphy Comics and the direct market constituents have much elaborate ploy that is hatching.

Those 'in the know' can't help but feel smug at their information superiority and could only look forward to how everyone would react by then. It is up to the point that they are even considering using photo cameras to record those moments.

As such, while everyone was enjoying their weekend and with the stores closed for the family holidays, the shops were getting minor renovations to cater to the new merchandise that is hiding away in their inventories.

They are even much more attentive to these new Dunphy- related materials than when they were decorating their stores with Christmas paraphernalia. It isn't about the holiday's atmosphere after all but a fresh source of income.

The new retails are just too precious as their store's new way of earning more money while also changing up their comic book direct market identity.

Even Dunphy Store with the most distinct relation to Dunphy Comics are busy at work. Mr. Counterboy is in charge as usual and accomodating the things in the store with much Dunphy themes as possible.

As for the Big Two and other Neo- comic publishing brands, they could only coop up for now to accommodate the enterprising entrants.

Although it is somewhat biased re-organization that would warrant trouble, there is no denying that making more room for Dunphy things that appeal much greater to the market is the most profitable way to go.

There is even no denying that other direct market stores are following suit with the marginalization of other publisher titles.

As long as these other published titles also find their heyday, then they could also have their chance at the spotlight in the store renovations.

For now, Dunphy Comics have the market dominance to make others make way and even have a new merchandise initiative that would only prove beneficial to whomever is business-mindedly involved.

If one would think further on it, Dunphy related stuff will remain dominant for a very long time as we are truly in the lead with everything.

As for how long this Dunphy dominance time would be?, perhaps that would be up for the next ambitious, resourceful, and more creative company to tackle which is almost impossible until I'm in charge.

As for me, not being in charge, that is almost negligible in any foreseeable future though as the priority of comic book stores at the present is to prepare for what is ever near and easily reached.


Everything went on schedule as the direct market has a collective interior change and what they achieved is already phenomenal in their opinion.

They just did some simple realignments but the prospects of everything has shot up.

It has already shocked them when they looked at these new things up close after all and can assess the great potential that these merchandises would have on everything.

It even pleased the store owners greater when they finally displayed it all together and by theme. Dragonball should go with Dragonball, TMNT should go with TMNT, and so on and so forth.

If such incredible and high-quality products with matching themes and displays don't wow the customers, then they don't know what will.

It looked way too good that they feared the selling out of units scenario, so quite a few of them are already snagging up their own.

The owners paid for the retail price while the counterboys, gender-progressively hired counter girls, and other store personnel snagged it up with their salaries.

In any case, they already got their own versions and those that couldn't get to buy from the limited units had it coming to them for being tardy.

Every comic book store that tasted the benefits that Dunphy Comics brought to their industry have done what they can and could only hope that their efforts truly make a greater difference than everything should be coming next.

Thus, the stores are ready with all the renovating expansion that they've done as they also matched up the eagerness that their customers are exhibiting for the past couple of days.

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