Chapter 15: kissed my breath away

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"I'm scared as hell to want you, but here I am, wanting you anyways ."


The journey back to India is dead silent and the tension between us is still present in the air. Adi tries to behave normal and makes small talks with me but I ignored him like he doesn't exist. I'm hurt, exhausted and frustrated after that incident, it literally broke me so I choose to keep silent and avoid him like plague. He doesn't deserve to know how it hurts me to act indifferent towards him and behaves like he doesn't affect me anymore.

I was so happy to see Maria upon returning back form that horrible trip. I literally cries my eyes out while hugging her like a child, and I'm glad she didn't oppose, instead she calm me down by her soothing words. Maria is the only one who knows the truth about my miserable married life so talking to her is much more easier, atleast I don't have to mask my distress infront of her. I'm so greatful that I don't have to spend my time alone in this house with that arrogant brat.

Two days have been passed and I still drowned in my agony, it seems like nothing encourages me anymore. I even took sick leave from office for the obvious reasons and spend my entire time in my little bubble. Either I'm in my room whole day or I help Maria with the chores when Adi is not in home. He tries to talk to me several times but as stubborn as I am I successfully sabotaged his efforts, and I've surprised that he didn't force me for once.

Maybe he is feeling guilty, maybe he realised his misdeeds and try to fix it but honestly I don't want to deal with him anymore. I'm so tired of trying to understand him and fit in his world but he pushed me away like I'm not worthy at all. I just don't get it what have I done wrong that he despise me so much. He didn't even bother to play with my feelings too.

"Isha, you don't have to prepare your meals anymore, Aditya sir ordered me to cook meals for both of you from now on."

Maria told me the day after our returning from Singapore and if I'm in my right mind it would have flattered my heart right away but now I've learned to stay unbothered because behind his sweet gestures there is always a hidden sick motive. Maria also told me he waited for me to come to have dinner with him which I rejected without a second thought. I don't know what games he tries to play this time and honestly I don't want to know.

Urvi called me in the morning and asked me to go out with her as it's so long since we last hangout. I agreed thinking I have nothing else to do other than pitying myself. I got ready and went for our usual meeting spot 'Just Delights' cafe.

It's the same old coffee shop we used to come every other day since we are in middle school. The owner of this cafe Mr. And Mrs. Kapoor is an old and wise couple who runs this cafe for more than three decades. Me, Urvi and several other friends of us used to volunteer here on many occasions so we shared a very keen bond with that old couple. They treated us like their own children as they doesn't have any. The cafe is small and rustic but still gives an nostalgic feeling whenever I came here.

My trance broke when the doorbell chimes indicating someone entered and as I expected it's my always being late best friend Urvi. She waved and smiled as spotted me sitting in our usual table and take the chair opposite mine.

"So sorry for being late, you know how Mr. Iyer always breathing down my neck for not submitting my assignment in time. It's a miracle that he didn't expelled me till now, it seems like he got more maniac when he doesn't find someone as worthy as you in his class." She said huffing and I laughed at her, but I got a little sad about not able to go to college anymore. I do miss my college and teachers. Saw me lost in thoughts Urvi nudges me and asked if I've ordered something.

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