Chapter 20: Realisation

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"She loves him more than he'll ever know, and he loves her more than he ever shows."


I don't remember when was the last time I've slept so well and felt that relieved and contained. Last night was a haze, though the memory is still vivid in my mind like daylight but it's just so unbelievable and dreamy. I haven't been feeling like this for years, it's like I'm inside a beautiful dream which would break anytime and reality slapped me again.

I look at my right and find my dream is sleeping in my arms so peacefully. Her naked body partially wrapped in the duvet which also covered my lower half somehow and her flawless skin glows under the sunlight coming through the window. A small smile makes it way to my lips seeing her right next to me, I didn't know waking up next to someone feels that good.

My hand made it's way to her beautiful face and I brushed my knuckles against her soft cheeks. She stirred a little in her sleep and lean in my touch. My heart skipped a beat when she came closer and wrapped her arms around me. What effect is this? Why am I feel this way towards her? Why can't I control myself around her?

I'm always on the edge with my emotions and self control around her, and though I didn't want to I ended up hurting her. I have never thought any girl could ever shook my heart that way. She is naive, stubborn and totally opposite of my type, always putting others before herself which is very very annoying. Her sweet caring nature irritates me at the same time overwhelmed me. Her words form last night ringing in my ear again and again, only a dumb person say such things. If there is anyone else in her place they must be ran away after seeing me like that.

No one ever dare to come near me whenever I'm in my self destructive mode, no one wants to witness that side of me but this girl is insane. She threw me totally off gaurd by sticking to me at my worst state. I couldn't decipher what to do at that moment so I ended up hurting her again, physically. After what happened at the night of our reception I pledged to never let my wrath destroy her life, and withdrawn myself completely out of her life.

Memories of that night flashes through my mind. I didn't mean to hurt her then, infact I was very happy that day and couldn't wait to attend my reception just to spend my entire evening with her. I even bought a small gift for her which is still in my closet but just one news ruined everything.


"Sir I need to inform you about something." Tyson my bodyguard said as I rummaging through my collection of watches and wondering which one is the best to get along with my outfit, afterall it's my reception. I'm already very late and I need to get there soon, everyone must be waiting for me, specially Ishani.

"Not now Tyson, we can discuss whatever it is tomorrow." I replied without looking at him and finally found my favourite rolex, and started to wear it.

"But sir it is important, it's regarding to Mrs. Ishani." He said hesitantly and my movement stopped. I turned around frowning I asked,

"What about my wife?" I'm a bit confused why Tyson seems hesitant, and it's suspicious. Tyson is one of my most trusted men and along with my personal bodyguard he also is my private investigator, and I can tell he is the best at his job. Knowing him for a very long time I've never seen him being hesitated before so why is he now?

"Tyson tell me what is it." I demanded. Anything about Ishani concerns me, whether it's good or bad. I waited for him to state whatever it is and finally with a deep sigh he spoke.

"Sir I'm really sorry to interrupt in your personal life but as your bodyguard I'm concern about your safety first and I don't think Mrs. Oberoi is someone you should trust completely."

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