Chapter 22: Unfortunate

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"We search for the feelings that would destroy us in the end."


Hardly 24hours have been passed and I
felt like alone for ages. Adi didn't call or text me about his whereabouts, he never did, I guess this is the way he is, so I don't bother him either. Despite I am dying to hear his voice for once I restrain my urge to bomber his phone with my messages. Instead I indulge myself in work and study which has a lot to catch up on.

The office gossip is still blazing and I heard numerous rumors about how I am being a gold digger or how I tricked Adi to marry me and blah blah blah. I didn't gave any mind of all that and never intended to clarify their misconceptions. They just enjoy gossiping about rubbish so I let them be.

After a tiring day at office I came back in an empty home which bothers me more than ever. Once I find it peaceful when he is not at home but now I felt lonely. Maria served me dinner and accompanied me for a bit but then it was lonely again. I decided to sleep early as I have nothing to do or more like I don't feel like doing anything.

I don't know how many hours has been passed but I couldn't even blink my eyes once. Sighing I sat up on my bed frustrated. I took my phone from the nightstand and check the time it indicating 2.17 in the morning. I calculate the time in London in my head and unlock my phone to call a particular someone. My fingers hovered over Adi's name in my contacts, a little hesitating whether to call him or not.

After a long battle inside my head finally I tap the button and put the phone to my ears. It's ringing and I can feel my heart beating rapidly. Am I being that desperate to call him in the middle of the night? What would he thinks? Why am I even nervous about this? I just call to ask him if he is doing OK. I bite my bottom lip when the ring goes on and on, and with each moment past my heart sink in my stomach as he didn't picked up the call.

I pressed my lips in a thin line after the call disconnected due to not being answered. I got a little upset about it, I remember how he told me again and again he could not stay away from me for two days yet there is not a single word from him after he left.

I sighed deeply and put my phone down after waiting for any call back for next 15minutes but there is none. Frustratedly I slammed my phone down on the bed and lay down again. The whole night I'm twisting and turning, and occasionally check my phone for any single text.

Soon my room changing its color as the morning sunlight lit my room. I stare at the celling blankly without blinking and then woke up from bed. The whole long night I haven't get a blink of sleep. I freshen up and headed for breakfast. Maria is still preparing so I went to help her.

"What happened? You look tired." She noticed my low spirit and in reply I just said I couldn't sleep well. She hums and asked if I need a refreshing drink or something. I denied I just couldn't feel like eating. But Maria being Maria literally fed me with her hands.

Office is as usual hectic as I have a lot of pent up work to finish. Mayank keeps bothering me with his over enthusiastic blabbering about all the things had happened here during my absence which I have not interested at all. Finally the lunch break has came and me and Mayank leave for the canteen.

Suddenly in my way out of the floor I got a glimpse of Rohan with the management team leading out of the meeting hall. He is standing at a far corner of the lobby as we move towards his direction. I saw the team left after he dismissed them. Abruptly his eyes move towards me and met my gaze. As a reflex I smiled at him but he stare at me with no change of facial expression whatsoever. My smile flattened as he looked away and started to walk away.

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