6.) Vanessa's Trick

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Y/N was woken up to the sound of Scuttle's squawking as she flew into the window of her room, she quickly covered her ears with pillows and attempted to go back to sleep.

"Hey, have you not heard the scuttlebutt?" the bird asked as the crab crawled from his hidning place in Y/N's hair.

"Your butt?" Sebastian asked confused.

"No, the gossip!," Scuttle explained,"The buzz."

"Well what is it?" Sebastian asked encouraging the bird to get to the point.

 Y/N groaned in annoyance as she squeezed the pillows tighter against her head. 

"Well, I was flying over land and sea," the bird began."An ear to the ground.""Then I came flying here for you to see,and hear what I found," Scuttle explained.

"Remember the swamp?," the bird asked the crab,"Remember my song in the swamp?" 

"When I was like,Womp, chicka womp-womp, chicka womp-womp," the bird sang in attempt to refresh Sebastian's memory.

"I remember," Sebastian sighed in annoyance wishing that the bird would hurry up.

"Well, ever since," the bird started but paused. "The what's his name" Scuttle asked Sebastian,
"the guy with the hair and the shirt?"

"The Prince?" Sebastian asked irritated as Y/N  widened her eyes at the mention of the prince.

"Yeah, the Prince!" the bird said, "Has been droppin' hints." This caught Y/N's attention and she sat up and looked at the bird.

"He wants to," the bird paused not knowing the correct term."You know when humans dress all nice like they're penguins?" the bird asked as Sebastian and Y/N looked at her as if she was crazy.

"Throw rice for the pigeons?," she said as if that helped explain anything. "They're tryin' to blow up the pigeons," she stated,"But those are just urban legends"

"I know a lot of really fat pigeons," Scuttle remarked.

"Scuttle, I," the crab sighed.

"Will you just listen, Sebastian?" she asked bitterly. "I got the scuttlebutt," she declared.

"Hurry up!," the crab exclaimed in frustration.

"You'll be like, 'what', when I drop the scuttlebutt!," the bird claimed as Y/N sat down at the vanity and began getting ready. 

"Okay, now huddle up, buttercup," the bird said to Y/N.

"From the women who wash all the clothes," the bird listed,"To the hunter who arrows the bows
The chatter all over the palace"

"Is that your Prince Eric is gonna propose," the bird claimed as Y/N abruptly stopped fixing her hair and looked at the bird in shock.

"What?" Sebastian asked as he widened his eyes.

 "To somebody nobody knows," Scuttle explained,"They're saying he suddenly chose"

"Who," Sebastian asked as he and Y/N looked at the bird expectantly.

"Who,you sound like an owl," the bird mocked. "I'll bet it's the kid with the new set of toes," Scuttle claimed as Y/N sat besides the bed and looked at the bird desperate for more details.

"No!" Sebastian shouted in excitement.

"Oh, yes, anything goes, who'd ever guess," the bird remarked,"Our little Y/N's marriage material"

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