7.) She's Right Here

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Y/N quickly swam towards Eric again helping to keep him a float. She watched as the sea witch threw a ray of lighting towards the two of them and quickly moved Eric out of the way.  It definetly wasn't a fair fight.  The witch raised a tentacle and brought it down with force attempting to hit the mermaid but Y/N quickly dodged it.

Eric struggled to stay above the surface, frantically kicking feet. They both watched as the witch stirred the ocean with the trident causing a giant whirpool drawing the Prince inside of it and causing the things inside of the ocean to rise to the surface. One of those things being the Prince's sunken ship.

Y/N glanced at the sharp front of the boat and quickly swam towards the boat as an idea popped inside of her head. Y/N watched worridly as Eric dodged Ursula's attempts of blasting him. The whirpool drawing Y/N inside as well. She fought to swim towards the boat. She noticed a rope and quickly grabbed onto it. This allowed her to bring herself up onto the boat.  

Y/N desperately crawled across the deck of the boat inching closer and closer to the steering wheel. She groaned in exhaustion as she pulled herself up using all of her upper and core strength in doing so. She grabbed a hold of the steering wheel and directed the ship towards the witch. 

Ursula, unexpecting, gasped in pain as she was impaled by the sharp tip of the boat. Using her last bit of life the witch reached for the boat in an attempt to kill Y/N, however Y/N quickly abandoned ship.  

Y/N watched as the witch and the trident shrank back to their original size. Y/N watched as the trident sank.  She had to make a split second decesion between Eric and her Father, even though it was never really a choice, it broke her heart.

Y/N swam under the surface and grabbed a hold of the trident. She watched as the trident powered up and looked confused yet relieved as her father came back to life. She began to hand him the trident but that wasn't on the King's mind. Instead of grabbing the trident, he pulled his daughter into a warm embrace.


Eric woke up on the surface drenching wet. Once he realized where he was he looked out desperately towards the ocean searching for Y/N. He ran into the water and noticed the familiar blue dress caught on a rock. He held in front of him as though he couldn't believe it was real. 

"We need a boat!" he exclaimed as he noticed the palace guards coming towards him, "we have to find her."

 His mother was soon standing beside him. "Eric," she sighed. "This isn't coincidental," she claimed. "I've told you, the sea gods are against us."

"She was never real," he lied to himself. He'd rather believe that Y/N never existed than having to live with the realization that he lost her.


King Triton watched as his daughter Y/N sat on a rock looking out towards the palace. "I dont understand," the King told Sebastian, "i've tried everything in my power to make her happy."

"Well maybe not everything," the crab suggested looking at the King knowingly.

The King aimed his trident as his daughter and took a deep breath, not quite ready to let go of his little girl yet.


Eric was playing fetch with Max, looking out at the ocean still thinking about Y/N almost everyday. "Again?" the prince asked as the dog returned with the stick in his mouth and he threw the stick once more. After a while, the prince realized the dog wasn't returning. Worried he looked back to find the dog but abruptly stood up at what he saw.

Y/N playing with Max. She quickly stopped as she heard footsteps inching towards her. She smiled at the sight of the Prince walking towards her. The prince ran towards her and pulled her into a tight hug. Gently grabbing the back of her head, pulling it to his chest as he held her impossibly closer. 

He slowly pulled away still holding her close. He cupped the girl's face and pulled her in for a soft yet passionate kiss that said all the things words couldn't. She smiled at him brightly before giving him another heartfelt kiss.


Y/N and Eric were smiling brightly as they ran down the palace stairs, their wedding guests throwing rice and flower petals.

Eric looked in shock seeing practically the whole village near the shore. "What's all this," the Prince asked still trying to adjust.

"We wanted to give you a proper send off," The Queen smiled at her son and new daughter-in-law. Y/N smiled warmly and gave the Queen a hug."Go out and explore, or whatever it is you have to do so we don't get left behind," the Queen chuckled returning her gaze to her son.

"This doesn't sound like my mother," Eric joked, "what have you done with her?"

The Queen laughed and took both Y/N and Eric's hand. "Your relationship symbolizes a new bond between our two worlds," she claimed as Y/N and Eric smiled at each other.

The Prince helped his wife into the boat and began to row them towards the larger one they would use for the voyage. They quickly paused as King Triton arose from the water.

"My daughter," the King greeted, "Eric."

 Eric cleared his throat nervously and waved, this being his first time meeting Y/N's father.

"Hi Dad," Y/N smiled somewhat shocked that her father showed up. She watched as all her sisters rose to the surface as long as several merpeople "Thank you for hearing me," Y/N whispered to him softly.

"You shouldn't have had to give up your voice to be heard," the King told her sorrowfully. "I love you Y/N," he told her and hugged her tightly.


"I just realized," Y/N frowned. "I lost your little mermaid,"she confessed.

"What do you mean?" Eric asked in false confusion. "She's right here," he said as he placed a delicate kiss to Y/N's forehead.

A/N: The end. Hope you guys enjoyed. Wanted to thank you all so much for the love and support throughout this. I will continue to write for Prince Eric but for now just Oneshots. They will be in a seperate book that is currently published.

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