Part 1; Chapter 2- The Catastrophe

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~Third person POV~
TW: Panic attack

The next morning, (Y/n) groaned tiredly as she hid her suit in her bag and put her school uniform on. Walking out of her room, the girl rubbed her tired eyes from all the fighting she had done the night before. Walking into the lobby, (Y/n) waited for the curly-haired boy to walk with him to class. 

"Hi." Turning around, (Y/n) was face to face with the blonde girl she met the day before in physics class. "You're (Y/n), right?" She nodded and held her hand out for the blond girl to shake. "I haven't seen you in physics before, are you new?-"

Before either could continue their conversation, (Y/n) got hit in the back by someone, a sound of surprise left the girl's mouth as she turned around, the boy she had been looking for standing there, and he was...sweating? The boy looked flustered.

The nameless girl stood beside (Y/n) with a look of concern. "Oh! Are you okay?" (Y/n) looked at him equally as concerned. "Did something happen?" Wiping his forehead, more sweat formed on the boy's face. 

'Why am I so sweaty?'The boy asked in his head. "Why are you so sweaty?" The blonde asked with a slightly grossed-out face. "Are you sick?" the (h/c) asked. Miles shrugged in response "It's a puberty thing." His eyes widened at what he said in front of them. Especially in front of the (h/c).  "I don't know why I said that. I'm not going through puberty. I did. But I'm done. I'm...a man." His voice suddenly got deeper at the end of his words before he cleared his throat and looked back at the two. 

"So you're, like, new here, right? We got that in common." He said to the blonde, attempting to become friends with her. "Yeah, that's one thing." She only responded. (Y/n) held a tight lip smile at their interaction, it was pretty difficult to watch. 

"Cool, yeah. I'm Miles."

"I'm G-Waaaanda."

Raising an eyebrow at the girl's name, (Y/n) turned to her. "Your name is Gwanda?" 

"Yes, it's African. I'm South African. No accent though, 'cause I was raised here." 

Zoning out, Miles stared at (Y/n)'s shoulder, 'Do the shoulder touch now! Before she walks away!' he yelled to himself in his head. Raising his hand, it felt like everything was in slow motion. 'Why is this so scary? Am I doing this in slow motion or does it just feel that way?'

"I'm kidding. It's Wanda. No G. That's crazy." (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at the blonde's rambling. "Uh huh..well it's nice to meet you, Wanda." She was growing her suspicions about this girl. 'Why was it so hard to tell us her name?'

Feeling a heavy hand hit her shoulder, (Y/n) jumped in surprise and looked at Miles's hand. "Hey." He said with a deep voice and a smirk. Raising a confused eyebrow, the girl smiled at whatever he was doing. "Hi...we should get going before we're late." 

The boy seemed to snap out of it and sheepishly dropped his hand "Oh. See you." He lifted his hand up to wave at Wanda but his hand got stuck in her hair. Trying to pull his hand back, Wanda's hair is pulled with him. "Miles, what are you doing?" (Y/n) asked.

"I can't let go!" He keeps attempting to pull his hand again but it just continues pulling Wanda's hair. "Ow ow ow ow ow, calm down, it's fine-" Grabbing his wrist, Wanda pulls his hand closer to her hair. "Miles, let go!" 

Running toward him, (Y/n) tries to separate his fingers from her hair, but it wasn't budging. "I'm working on it. It's just puberty!" His other hand got stuck on Wanda's physics book, making them panic more and swing around. "I don't think you know what puberty is!" Wanda retorts as they spun in circles, catching the students' attention by now. "Just relax, Miles!" (Y/n) chased after the two as they continued to yell and spun. 

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