Part 2; Chapter 2- Seeing Gwen Again

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~Third Person POV~

That evening, (Y/n) walked onto the rooftop of the Morales' apartment. (Y/n) went back to her dorm to change before going to Mr. Morales's celebration. He was promoted to captain and all of his friends and neighbors were invited. Seeing the hosts in the middle of the roof, (Y/n) made her way over to her boyfriend's parents. The two happily greeted her as she gave Miles's mother a hug. "Congratulations on your promotion, Mr. Morales." The girl said politely while the man became bashful. "Thank you (Y/n), have you seen Miles?" 

Furrowing her brows, the (h/c) became confused. "Is he not already here?" The two started to look concerned for their son's whereabouts. Sensing their distress, the girl waved her arms around. "Oh, you know Brooklyn transportation! Always taking forever! I'm sure he'll be here any minute now.." Looking at the door, (Y/n) waited for the boy while his parents walked around greeting guests and thanking them for coming. 

(Y/n) had grown from a little girl to a young adult. Within a year and four months, she lost most of her baby fat and grew taller, the sixteen-year-old had matured within her time too. Miles had also grown taller too, he became more defined. 

Mr. and Mrs. Morales stood in the middle of the rooftop, subtly fighting over the mic. "Okay, thank you Rio for that! I didn't always know what I wanted to do in life. I was pulled in a lot of different directions when I was young. You know, me and my brother came up in this neighborhood, just a couple of knuckleheads running the streets." (Y/n) smiled softly at the mention of Miles's uncle.

"You guys used to chase us out of your stores and now if you can believe it is my job to look out for you. And then I had a kid and everything changed for the better. And I don't even know about giving a toast because that's how toasted you all to my brother, who we miss every single day." Mr. Morales raised a red solo cup to the large mural of Miles's uncle, the words 'rest in power' written under his face. "He's definitely up there laughing at me right now. They're making me captain bro!" He turned to Mrs. Morales. "To my wife, mi amor. I can't even start because I'll never stop. Can't take the mic from me!" The rooftop lightly laughed at the two.

"And to my son!.." Mr. Morales looked around the rooftop, his eyes landing back on (Y/n) as she shook her head with a frown. "The reason that I do any of this in the first, I love you, Miles...and I will always, always be there for you." 

"Benny, man, come on! Drop the beat!" The DJ started playing music as (Y/n) watched the door sadly. "Where are you, Miles?..." 

Hearing the exit door opening, (Y/n) saw the curly-haired boy try to creep around the rooftop to stay unnoticed by his parents. He was carrying two pink boxes as he greeted passing guests. Running up to him, the (h/c) grabbed the drop box as she walked beside him. "What happened?"

"Just ran into some...people."

"Hey, your parents have been looking for you!" A guest informed the boy.

The two sat the boxes on a table. "I don't know why, I've just been here the whole time!" 

"Miles!" Mrs. Morales yelled from behind him. "You were supposed to be here at five!" 

"I know, I know, I know!"

"You disrespected your dad!"

"Yup." Mr. Morales chimed in.

"You missed his beautiful toast!" 

"Come on, did you even see the cakes? There are some very heartfelt messages on them." Opening the boxes, two very messed up cakes sat inside the box, in scrambled letters, the cake read 'I'm not proud' on them. Grimacing at the state of the pastries and writing, (Y/n) looked up at the curly-haired boy. "That's...not what I meant."

"You're My Sunflower"~ Miles Morales x readerWhere stories live. Discover now