❀ 62

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Hwayoung wished she could've seen Donghyuck and the dreamies shoot their music video, but her family was only going to be there for a few more days.

They went to many places she knew they wouldn't find in Canada and enjoyed every moment of it.

Now, Hyejin and Haeun were crocheting- well, attempting to as Hwayoung instructed them.

"I think you mixed up the stitching Jin, but it's okay. You're doing good for your first time," she complimented her hopeless younger sister who threw her arms up in defeat, declaring it was an impossible hobby.

Haeun just chuckled as she continued her own pattern, seemingly a natural at it. Their parents were visiting the graveyard one last time before leaving and told the girls to have fun.

They just agreed to it, acting oblivious to the way their father cried every night with his wife consoling him.

Still, the girls tried ignoring it and instead enjoying their trip.

"So...what's you little idol boyfie doing today," Hyejin asked as she started a game on her nintendo.
"Boyfie?" Haeuns voice rose higher at the stupid nickname.
"You heard what I said."

Hwayoung poked Hyejin with her hook. "He's preparing for Dreams new comeback. Don't tell anyone though- it hasn't been announced yet."
"A new comeback?" Hyejins jaw dropped in shock. "No way."
"Yes way."

Haeun hummed as she carefully weaved the yarn through her hook. "I hope they're all getting enough rest though. I swear they just finished a tour..."
"Yeah, they did. And before that Mark had to go on 127s tour too," Hwayoung added, realizing how they had never gotten a proper time to rest.

The girls continued to do their own thing, Hwayoung occasionally helping Haeun with her craft and Hyejin yelling in rage every time she died in whatever game she was playing.

Hwayoung decided to take a break for a while, hands starting to cramp in pain. "Damn sis, how can you go for so long?" she questioned Haeun, in awe and a bit worried.
"I don't know. Once I start a project I don't like stopping."

Hyejin grunted in anger as she put away the gaming console, trying to give her brain a rest.

"What happened?" Haeun asked.
"I can't beat this stupid level."
"Haha," she snickered, earning a glare from the youngest.

"So...Eun," Hwayoung started. "How's your photography life?"
"It's actually going surprisingly well."
"Awe, really?" she gushed. "Are you signed up with a company yet?"

Haeun shook her head, an innocent smile rising up on her face. "I actually have to ask you something about that..."
"Well, I need a portfolio and stuff," she slowly said.
"And I only have photos of weddings and birthdays right now so I was wondering if maybe you could like model for me so I can add it," she ended off, an unsure look on her face.

Even if she was just asking her sister, the pools of nervousness couldn't stop rising. "Yeah, of course I can," Hwayoung agreed, stuffing a chocolate mushroom in her mouth.
"Oh really? Because uhm Haechan kinda hooked me up to a studio tomorrow so...yeah."

That was when Hwayoungs face furrowed in confusion. "I'm sorry- what?"
"When we went to the company with him I brought up my career and stuff and he suggested that I use one of SM's studio things and that he could book it for me," Haeun chewed on her lip. "If it's too much of a hassle I can cancel it and do it in your backyard instead or something."

"Oh," Hwayoung sighed. "No, it's fine. I'm just surprised. Just make sure to tell me before you make decisions like this next time."
"It's fine."

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