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School is over. Finally, I walked out of the school doors, and I took out my phone and texted my mom that I would be walking. I don't feel like going on the bus just annoys me.

I started walking while I was walking. I heard footsteps behind me, but I just ignored it. The footsteps got louder and louder. I looked behind me and saw Tom?! "What the hell are you following me?" I said "The fuck no?" Tom said back "Then why are you walking you never walk in elementary you always wanted to go on the bus" I said "I'm not following your ugly ass why would I follow you?" Tom said "Fuck you" I said back I continued to walk fast.

*Tom's pov*

She is so fucking annoying who decided to make her alive. She changed a lot in 4 months? At least she is not that ugly anymore. Why the hell did i say that she's ugly why the fuck am I saying this.
I wish she could kill herself already she ruined my life, and she ruined everything.

I took out my phone and texted Bill

"Hey Bill, I'm sorry," i texted

"The fuck?You touched Lu your fucking gross " Bill replied

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to Bill you know I like her okay?" I texted back

"Yeah whatever why the hell are you bullying your crush?that ruins everything" Bill replied

"I don't know..." I texted

Bill left me on read

I finally got home I looked at Lu real quick, she was crying? "Lu, are you okay?" I said, "Don't fucking talk to me" She said piss off I just looked at her crying walking away to her house I wish that I never bullied her. I walked to my house, opening the door. I saw Bill on the couch, trash everywhere I looked at him. He flipped me off. I took off my backpack. "Do you know Lu's phone number?" I said "No why would you want to know you hate her? " Bill said, mad."I'm just asking," I said

I went into my room and went on my phone trying to find Lu's phone number.

*Lu pov*

I ran thru the house crying. I can't believe that. He said all of that about me he's such an asshole.I grab my phone, cry tears falling down my face, and I'm looking at the texts that Bill sends me.

"Hey, Lu, I hate to say this to you, but you ruined Tom's life. He's starting to say shit about you like, "i hope she kills herself." "I hope she dies," "She's so fucking ugly I would wanted to kill myself" And more I'm sorry but he's just been a asshole since he met you he's starting to change being a asshole,Jerk,everything I'm telling this to you because this is why he's bullying you  he haves this thing where he thinks everything is about him but he trys to not."

I hate him he told me to kill myself what the fuck.

"If he wants me to kill myself so bad, I might do it. Love u, Bill♡ and Tom, " I replied

I turned off my phone. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror, tears all over my face. I picked up my backpack. I shoved everything I needed in the backpack. I put my shoes on and left the house. I ran. I ran. I ran till I couldn't anymore. I went to a park. I sat down on the grass. I went on my phone. I saw a message from Bill

"Lu don't." Bill texted

I just sat there on the grass thinking if i just go missing, I was at the park for 2 hours calls from mom,Bill. I got up and ran thru the woods far into the woods. I leaned on a tree and opened up my backpack. I took out a pocket knife. I looked at the pocket knife i started stabbing myself on my arms,legs, and ever were on my body. crying in pain, I stab myself 10 times I took all of my strength to get my phone. I  was on the ground in pain crying. Bill was none stop calling me. I accidentally answered it.

"LU LU WHERE ARE YOU!?" Bill screamed on the phone

"Woods," I mumbled

"Park," I whispered, crying in pain

"Lu don't cry," I heard Tom say

"It's all your fault..." I mumbled, choking on my spit

"I'm sorry, Lu. I'm really sorry," Tom said with a shaking voice

"Where are you? Lu, where here!!!" Bill said

"Woo-" I whispered, passing out slowly...

"LU LU ANWSER ME." Bill screamed

I only heard Bill's voice.

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