i pulled the triggered

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I pulled the trigger. I thought it didn't have any bullets in it, and I came up to Isabella. "Omg Isabella, are you okay!?" I said while going on my knees "Does it look I'm okay your going to die bitch." Isabella said in pain "I'm sorry!" I said "Your going to get payback" Isabella said "The teachers are coming!" Bill yelled in the hallway I picked up the gun and putted in my pocket and ran out of the classroom I was behind Bill and Tom.

We got out of school and ran home .

We were at home we went inside. I was trying to catch my breath. "You shot her, Lu!?" Bill said "Yea I didn't mean to!Tom told me to shoot her if she said to" I said "Tom what the fuck!?" Bill yelled "I'm sorry!" Tom said "Why the fuck did u give her the gun!?" Bill yelled "I had to she had to protect herself!" Tom said "we should've never got that gun!" Bill said "Ok!I'm sorry " i said "huh?" Bill siad "It's my fault okay?I shot her just dont yell at Tom " I said "It's not your fault lu" Bill said "It is I shot her not tom" i said "It's no one's fault let's just talk about this later" Tom said "Fine but this argument is not done." Bill said while walking away towards his room I sat on the couch I turn on the TV and went on the news.

"16 year old Isabella Brooklyn has been shot at dont jump high-school in the leg we don't know who did it but we are still trying to find out If you know who did this please call 911 immediately thank you"

"I'm fucking done she always on the news what the fuck." I said "Why does she have the same last name as you?" Tom said "That's weird" I said "Imagine she was your lost long sister " Tom said while laughing "Shut up she's not but I'm going to jail one of the kids had to snitch" I said "Nah your find nothing is gonna happen " Tom said "Why are you so calm about it ?" I said "Because this happened to me alot and they never caught me" Tom said "What the fuck u have?" I said "Yea but that was 1 year ago " Tom said "Why did u shoot the person?" I said "Nothing" Tom said "ok.." I said.

Couple hours passed and someone knocked on are door Tom looked thru the peep hole "Oh my fucking gosh the cops are here some bitch snitch on u" Tom said " What I don't want to go to jail!" I said,"Go into the room it's okay if u go to jail. We will bail u out. Just go in the room, don't hide, " Tom said. I ran towards Bill's room. I closed the door."Who's at the door?" Bill said "The police Tom said to go to the room " I said "Some bitch snitch I know who." Bill said
"Who?" I said "Tom's ex girlfriend she always snitchs she snitch on Tom 21 times and me 3 times" Bill said "That fucking bitch" I said "It's okay we will get her back" Bill siad.

Tom opened the door to bills room 20 minutes later. "What happened?" I said."There gone, I tricked them." Tom said "Tom what did you do? You better not do the same thing u did last time, " Bill said "Huh what?" I said "Uh so I tricked them that you killed yourself and when u were fighting with Isabella I looked at your papers and I change them that your not alive anymore soo" Tom said "Tom why did you do that!" Bill said "I had too" Tom said "So what do I do now I faked my death " I said "Well I did but we have to change your first name and we have to give you a makeover " Tom said "What the fuck." I said "Sorry" Tom said

"Ok, so we have to redo your hair and change your style and uhh makeup," Bill said. "I don't wanna do this," I said. "U wanna go to jail?" Bill said,"No." I said."Then let's go, " Bill said.

We made it to the hair salon. I sat down on the chair. "So what are we looking for today?" The girl said."We are gonna go white stripes like this, " Bill said while getting out his phone "Oh that would look gorgeous on her," the girls said. "Do you know how much it would cost?"Bill said,"Probably 30 20 bucks, " the girls said while touching my hair "Ok that's fine. " Bill said while walking away the girl started doing my hair.

"Okay, we're done!" The girl said,'It looks so pretty. I love it!" I said the girl smiled. I stood up and went to Bill "Omg you look ho-i mean gorgeous!" Bill said,"I love it. Thank u, Bill!" I said while giving Bill a hug "Your welcome. Let's go pay now, " Bill said

*this is what Lu hair was like*

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*this is what Lu hair was like*

"Ok, we're going to do your style now," Bill said while holding the door for me.

We made it to this shop named Y2k Fashion ? "What is this shop?" I said,"It's my favorite shop, " Bill said while getting out of the car we walked into the shop "Follow me." Bill said, "ok?" I said."Hey bella!" Bill said "Hiii how are you?" Bella said."It's been good, so I was wondering if u can see what outfit will look good on her?" Bill said "Hmm oh I know!follow me, " bella said." We followed her into the back of the store. "This outfit is perfect !" Bella said while holding up cargo pants and a tank top."I love it!" I said."Go try it on, " bella said while giving me the outfit

"Go try it on, " bella said while giving me the outfit

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*This is what the outfit looked like*

I put on the outfit and walked out of the fitting room to show Bill. "You look fin- you look gorgeous!" Bill said,"Thank u. " I said,"I have more outfits for her, " bella said.

After we were done shopping, we had to change my name. "So what name do u want ?" Bill said "I'm still thinking about it" I said "Well were almost there so hurry" Bill said I was thinking of the name Liz but I don't really like it I'm probably going to change my name to lena I love that name.

We finally arrived. "So, u thought of the name yet?" Bill said "Yea lena" I said."That's pretty. We're not gonna change your last name, only your first name, ok?" Bill said,"Yea ok, " I said while getting out of the car we walked thru the doors "You have to go by yourself sorry " Bill said "Ok that's fine" I said while walking to the front desk "Hi how may I help you?" The lady said,"I want to change my name. " I said "Okay what's your name right now? "" The lady said,"LuLu Brooklyn." I said the lady gasped "Um okay what name do u want?" The lady siad "Lena Brooklyn." I said "Okay pretty name, " the lady said "thanks why did you gasped?" I said,"Because I thought you were going to say lu Brooklyn she died," the lady said "Oh" I said "Ok just sign these papers, then that's it" the lady said I signed all of the papers it took 20 minutes I gave the lady the papers "Okay your done lena Brooklyn!" The lady said,"Thank u. " I said. I walked towards Bill. "Let's go," Bill said.

"So what are we gonna do now?" I said."Were gonna go back home,The lady said that she can do you makeup tomorrow," Bill said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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