its your fault.

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My body finally heals today.

The doctor came into my room. "Hi lu goodmoring, today is the day your body heals. I'm just going to check if you're ready to go back home, okay? The doctor said, "Okay, that's fine," I said, knowing it's going to be more pain.

Tom already knew I'm going to be in pain so he came up to me and held my hand again the doctor was hurting me more this time the pain got worse "Okay everything looks good!your free to go" the doctor said "thanks!" I said, getting up to get my stuff.

We finally got outside in the parking lot. Bill came up to me, "Are you going to forgive Tom?" He whispered to me while walking by my side."I don't know, he was the one who made me do this," I said. "I know, but he cares about you very much he didn't mean to bully you, Lu," Bill whispered. "What? when did he start caring about me?" I said laughing. I looked behind me, looking at Tom for a second. "He loves you, LU. He loves you cares so much about you he bullied you because he liked you, okay!? I know it sounds stupid, but he likes you, Lu!?" Bill screamed at me. Tom heard everything he looked at me and Bill, and we stopped in the middle of the parking lot,

"Why the fuck did you say that bill!?" Tom screamed at bill

"I had to I HAD TOO OKAY?" Bill said

"OH my fucking God i new I shouldn't have told you that your a lier A LIER" Tom said

"I didn't mean to Tom it just slipped out my mouth" Bill said

"I told you to not fucking to tell her you lier" Tom said

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to tom!" Bill said crying

"Wait wait you liked me?" I said

Tom just looked at me.

"Yes, I do." Tom said

"What the hell!?" I said laughing

I came up to Bill and hugged him

"It's okay, Bill, it was actually good for you to tell me." I said

Bill stopped crying. "Really?" Bill said "yes it was good that you told me that. " I said Bill hugged me again. Tom was just looking at me. "So do you like me back?..." Tom said with a shaking voice
"The fuck after what you did to me?Hell no you took it to far" I said "Oh.." Tom said with a painfull voice I look at him he looked drain I do like him but I don't want to. What if Bill and Tom were just playing a joke on me that Tom likes me?...

I finally got home. I walked up to my house, scared I opened the door and saw my mom on the phone she got off the phone and looked at me in madness she looked at me with death stare "Where the fuck were you Lu!?You were gone three days straight you missed two days of school!? You are so stupid!" My mom yelled at me."I'm sorry, I was staying a night at my friends.." I said lying "Huh and didn't tell me the fuck what find of daughter are you!?you can't just dissappear just like that you made me scared and freaked out I almost thought you were died!? You are fucking grounded Give me your phone." My mom yelled

"But-" I said

"No buts give me your phone now." My mom said

"No." I said with a plain face

"What did you say to me?" My mom said

"No did I stutter.?" I said

"Stop messing around and give me your phone right fucking now before I destroy that phone." My mom said

I gave her my phone.

"Your two weeks grounded," my mom yelled

I ran to my room and slammed the door. I opened my window and saw Bill at the window .

"Bill? What are you doing here? I said

"Look, Tom is crying because you rejected him. Can you come over real quick?" Bill said

"I'm sorry, but I'm grounded," I said

"For how long?!" Bill said

"Two weeks," I said

"Well, can't you please give him a chance, please Lu?" Bill said

"I don't know." I said

"Please just think about it." Bill said

"I have to go, Bill. I will tell you tomorrow, okay?See you bye, " I said, closing the window

I laid down on my bed and sighed. I couldn't believe I lied to my mom. I was at the hospital for 3 days, and I just lied about it. I lifted up my shirt and looked at the stitches where I stabbed myself.

I got up and went to the bathroom to change into my pj's. I looked at myself overthinking everything.

I change into my pj's and put my hair up
And went to bed.

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