Its my fault.

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I woke up in the middle of the night of banging on the door I stood up and turned on the light Tom was still sleeping I looked in bills room he was awake "Lu why u awake this late?" Bill said."You don't hear that banging on the door?" I said "Oh just ignored it those are the cats they always scratch on are door or fight I don't know why" Bill said while changing the channel on the TV "Those bangs don't sound like cats" I said I walked down the hall and looked thru the peep hole "What the fuck!" I yelled."What happened?" Bill yelled."It's Isabella!" I yelled Bill ran out of his room and looked thru the peep hole "What the fuck. Go wake up Tom now!" Bill said I ran thru the hallway and went into Tom's room and woke him up "Huh what?" Tom said."Isabella is at the door!" I said Tom stood up and rubbed his eyes. we walked thru the hallway. Bill opened the door."Isabella, what are you doing here!?" Bill said," I WANT ISABELLA NOW! " Isabella yelled "Lu go hide now. " Tom whispered. I went to go hide in the closet. ""She's not here. Go back to the hospital!" Bill said "THAT BITCH." Isabella yelled and ran thru the house I heard her foot steps "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU LU" Isabella yelled "SHES NOT HERE SO GET THE FUCK OUT" Tom said "Go call the police I will deal with her" Bill whispered I was crying in the closet hoping she won't find me. "Get over here now Isabella" Bill said while grabbing her arm "Get the fuck off of me" Isabella yelled "Get out of here or else" Bill said "Or what huh!?" Isabella said I saw Bill grab Isabella hair and thru her on the ground "Get the fuck out" Bill said "FINE IF YOUR HERE ISABELLA IM GOING TO FIND YOU THIS IS NOT OVER BITCH" Isabella yelled I heard police sirens "Where is she " Oneof the police officer said "Right here" Bill said "What the fuck you called the police on me!?" Isabella yelled "No shit" Tom said "Your going to jail Young lady." One of the police officers said "WHEN I GET OUT IM COMING FOR ALL OF YOU " Isabella yelled while the police officer put hand cuffs on her.

"She's not here anymore, Lu," I heard Tom, and I went out of the closet crying. "It'd okay," Tom said while giving me a hug. "It's my fault I did this. I cause this I shouldn't even got revenge on her," I said "Well it is kinda " Tom said "What the fuck get away from me " I said "I was joking My love " Tom said "Who the fuck jokes about that" I said while I ran out of the house.

*Tom's pov*

"What happened? Why did she leave?" Bill said,"Because I said that it's her fault" I said "That's mess up" Bill said "Shes just being dramatic" I said "Tom that's your own girlfriend you been liking her your whole life do you even know what your saying right now your fuck up" Bill said while slamming his room door. was that mess up? What I said I didn't mean to. I walked back to my room and went on my phone and texted Lu.

"Lu look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that just everything has been hard lately, " I texted

"Why did you say that I'm dramatic? Maybe I'm am I'm just going to believe what you say, " Lu texted

"I didn't mean to say that, ok?" I replied

"Whatever." Lu replied

Now it's my fault.

*Lu pov "

He's so annoying. I'm just going to take a walk.

While I was walking I saw a person behind me I started walking faster it's the middle of the night "What are you doing out here all alone young lady " the guy said "Leave me alone " I said walking faster "Don't run away from me" the guy said I turned around it was Isabella boyfriend. "Oh my fucking gosh get away from me!" I yelled I saw him holding a knife I ran to Tom's and Bills house I walked so far it was 30 minutes away from Me "Stop following me " I yelled "Don't run away gorgeous" Isabella boyfriend said "What do you want from me!?" I yelled while running faster "I want you." Isabella boyfriend said "Get the fuck away from me!Tom will beat your ass" I yelled I was 20 minutes from the house "Tom is not going to anything he is weak " Isabella boyfriend said while laughing "Shut the fuck up!" I yelled I found a rock on the ground I picked it up and thru it at him he fell on the floor "What the fuck!?" Isabella boyfriend yelled in pain. I ran to the house. I was finally there. I bang on the door hoping they would open the door. Bill opened the door. I ran thru the house. I sat on the couch, trying to catch my breath. "What the hell happened now?" Bill said,"Isabella boyfriend." I said, trying to breathe."What about him?" Bill said."He tried to get me, but he tried to stab me he called me gorgeous he said he wanted me, not Isabella." I said,"Tom is going to be piss, " Bill said."I know, and we just got in a fight!He's not going to do anything." I said "Lu he's going to do something bad. You just have to wait he done this a lot, " Bill said."What is he going to do?" I said."Just wait till tomorrow. Just go to sleep." Bill said,"Okay..." I said I stood up and went to Tom's room he was still awake he was on his phone on the bed he stared at me I went on the bed and covered myself and went asleep I felt Tom wrapped his arms around me.

"Lu wake up" Tom said "Huh what ?" I said while rubbing my eyes "Let's go were going somewhere " Tom said "Can't I just stay" I said "No you can't be alone " Tom said "Fine" I said while getting up and stretching "Where are we going " I said "Some were " Tom said I started getting suspicious I walked down the hallways and sat on the couch waiting for Bill to be ready "Alright let's go" Bill said we went into the car "Where are we going" I said again "Don't worry " Bill said I was staring outside the window I saw we were going we were going to this  birthday party? "Come on lu" Tom said while opening the car door we went inside the house "Happy birthday Lu!" Everyone said "Huh what day is it?" I said "July 1st 2007" Bill said "I forgot about my own birthday shit" i said everyone laugh "This is all of my family " Tom said "Oh well hi everyone!Thanks for celebrating my birthday " I said A little girl came up to me "How old are you your so beautiful " the little girl said "Aw thank you I'm turning uh 16." I said "Your old but super pretty" the little girl said "That's Lilly she's 5" Bill said "Oh well hi lilly!" I said "Hiii" Lilly said.

Everybody introduced there self bills and Tom's family was really nice they made me feel like I was apart there family "Hi lu I heard you were dating my grandson" Tom's and Bill grandma said her name is Rosa "Yea I am he's really kind" I said "That's good of him he's always a trouble maker " Rosa said while laughing.

It's already nighttime time and half of the family left. "Do you think we should clean up now?" I said,"Yea sure, " Tom said.

We were done cleaning. "Thank you guys so much for coming bye!" I said,"Bye!!" Lilly said I smiled."Your family is so nice." I said."Thanks!" Bill said,"Let's go guys before it's time late, " Tom said "Well someone is mad. " I said,"I'm not mad." Tom said "Bill did you tell him?" I said "No I didn't, " Bill said."Tell me now!" Tom said."Nope." I said "Later I will tell you, " Bill said."Fine . Let's go, " Tom said while opening the car door.

We were finally home. I walked inside and took off my shoes. I went into Tom's room and fell asleep.

*Bill pov*

"So you gonna tell me Lu is asleep?" Tom said. "Why were you so mad?" I said,"Because I saw Alex." Tom said "Ok so? You guys were just fighting over lu you already have her so forget it" I said "  Just tell me already" Tom said "Remember you guys got in a argument?She went out for a walk and Isabella boyfriend Alex had a knife and was chasing her and calling her gorgeous and said I want lu" I said "That fucking asshole ." Tom said "Relax we can figure it out tomorrow. Just go to bed." I said."If I'm gone tomorrow, tell Lu to forgive me." Tom said,"Just go to God Damn bed, stop acting your badass, " I said."Fine." Tom said while walking to his room, he really needs to chill.

*Tom's pov*

I woke up, lu I was still sleeping. I got up quickly and left the house. i went inside the car and opened the trunk. I found it. My gun. I went back inside the car and drove off. I went to this old house. I knew that Alex was going to be there, I made it and went inside it. There were two short guys. "Who are you?" One of the short guys said,"Where is alex." I said "Ohh alex he's not here." The short guy said "Tell me where the fuck he is." I said while pushing him to the floor "Ok OK he's in Isabella house!" The short guy said I left and went to Isabella house I walked out of the car and went to the door and bang on the door "What the fuck!?" Alex said opening the door halfway "What the fuck did you do to Lu." I said "Nothing the fuck get out of here" Alex said "Tell me what the fuck you did to her ." I yelled while pushing him on the wall "Fine I just called her names and had a knife " alex said I pointed the gun at him "No No don't please!!!" Alex said "Why the hell did you do that you have Isabella!" I yelled "I won't do it again I promise " Alex said while crying "Why the fuck are you crying you did this it's all you fault you did this!" I yelled "I won't do it again I'm sorry!" Alex yelled i kicked him and picked him up and stared him I the eyes "you better not do that again." I said I thru him on the ground an left.

I was back at the house. Bill was on the porch, and he caught me. He looked so piss that i put my gun in the back seats and went out of the car. "Where the hell were you!?" Bill yelled."It's none of your business, " I said while going inside the house."Lu was worried about you she was crying, you asshole!" Bill yelled "No she wasn't, " i said."Where were you!?" Bill yelled."I was at Alex's house!" I yelled "Why the fuck did you go over there I told you we can figure it out you can't just dissappear like that?!" Bill yelled "Well I already figured it out" I said "What the hell did you do to him!?" Bill said "Nothing I just went to his house and told him get away from lu and stop being in my business why do you care?!" I said "You better go apologize to lu now!" Bill said "Fine!" I said while walking to the room.

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