Chapter 2

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I sat down and tried to pay attention to the last lesson of the day. And I say try because I was too close to falling asleep.

"Whoa, you okay, y/n?" asked the boy next to me.

"I didn't sleep much last night" I confessed. "Thanks for asking, Ishida"

"I can see that you didn't sleep." He sighed. "When are you going to take care of yourself?"

"When you stop dying your hair blue."

"Ha! Good luck with that!" he laughed.

Ishida and I had met when we were both in our first year. We always had lots of fun together and I started to like him in a more than friendly way. In our second year he got a girlfriend and I got over my crush. Now we didn't hang as much, but we still shared a few classes.

"So, is this about that photography contest?"

"How did you know?" I asked, surprised. Like I said, not the most popular club.

"I heard something. And I know you."

"News travel fast" I giggled.

"You look drunk. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes" I didn't know who I was trying to convince: him or me.

"Silence in the back!" warned the teacher.

Ishida didn't really care and kept talking.

"So, are you going to take photos of me?" he said, ruffling his blue hair.

"Aren't you full of yourself" I snorted.

"I'd make a great model."

"Shut up, you arrogant idiot," but I couldn't help laughing. "I'm thinking about using the volleyball team."

"Are you sure you don't want to photograph me?" he placed a hand on his chest.

I stared at him and he threw his hands in the air in defeat.

"You're wasting an opportunity, but it's your choice," he joked, then added "you're friends with the captain of the female team, right?"


"That's no fun, that's too easy!" He complained.

"What, do you want me to spy on the team or something?"

"That would at least be more interesting," he shrugged.

"Shut up."

"I might be able to give you some ideas, if you want-"


"But... I see you're doing fine on your own."

"Come on!" I couldn't believe him.

"Okay, okay," laughed the little demon. "I'll draw you some ideas if I think of something."

"Thanks, you're the best."

I smiled at him and tried to understand whatever the teacher was explaining. I needed to pass my exams somehow.

When the bell rang, I went to the girl's gym.

"Hey, girls!" I said. "Why are there so few of us?"

"Y/n! Umm, sometimes not all of them show up" said Yui.

"I thought you'd stopped doing that." I hadn't expected that.

"I don't know. And I'm not really good at getting serious. Could you set us the ball, please?" Yui looked a bit embarrassed.

"We want to practice different things, so I'll spike the ball" said the setter, Aoki.

"Well, I'm not the best at this, but okay."

I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to do it. Even though I wasn't as good as them, I really liked volleyball.

The ace, Aihara, did the serve and soon the ball was above me. I looked at the ball and the place where I was supposed to send it. It was a good toss. I set the ball and the setter hit the ball. We cheered.

"Nice spike!"

"Good serve!"

"Perfect connection!"

"Accurate set!"

"Yeah, nicely done, y/n" said Aoki, which made me happy.

"You too!" I smiled. "Hey, Yui, please tell the girls to come next day."

"Huh? Why?"

"I wanna tell them a thing or two."

"Sometimes you scare me, y/n," she commented.

We kept practicing different skills and positions. It was a fun practice. When we finished, I helped them clean up.

"Hey, y/n," said Yui. "I need to see Daichi to exchange practice data. Wanna come?"


We walked to the boy's gym and got there in about two minutes. Yui knocked and entered.

"Hey, guys!" she said.

The boys were already cleaning up. Daichi came to us with a folder under his arm.

"Hello, Michimiya," he smiled. "And your friend is..."

"Oh, right, yeah. This is y/n. She's in the photography club and sometimes helps with the team. Y/n, this is Daichi, captain of the male Karasuno team."

"Nice to meet you, Daichi" I said. I knew some of the names of the team, but I'd never met anyone.

"You too," he said. "You're in the photography club? That's nice! Are you participating in the contest? I saw a flyer yesterday."

"Yes! I'm so excited."

"Good luck then. Here's the report, Michimiya."

"Thanks. Here's ours." Then she turned to me. "We exchange reports to know how are we doing and keep track."

"I see."

A ball hit Yui in the head.


"Who threw that?" Daichi yelled.

I saw a boy with orange hair frozen in the serving position and another boy with black hair insulting him.

"Hinata, be more careful!" Said Daichi, angry. "Kageyama, stop shouting and teach Hinata properly!"

"Sorry! I am so sorry, Michimiya!" Hinata apologized again and again.

"I-it's okay," she said.

Well, I thought. Not the best way, but I learned two new names.

Yui and Daichi chatted for a bit and not long after, a cute silver haired boy who was cleaning the floor joined us.

"Daichi, we need you to take away the net," he said. "Hi, girls."


"Okay, I'm coming," Daichi said. "Nice to meet you, y/n. See you around, Miya."

"Bye" we said and left.

"Miya, huh?" I teased her.

"Shut up," she blushed.

"You know he likes you, right? You're both so oblivious it's actually funny."

She hid her face in her hands, embarrassed.

"Who's the boy that told Daichi to help them with the net?" I asked.

"That's Sugawara. He's the vice captain of Karasuno. Well, here's where I go."

"See you tomorrow!"

Daichi, Hinata, Kageyama, Sugawara. I was good at remembering names.


Pretty name.

I had a feeling I was going to have fun with this team.

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