Chapter 3

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Photography club ended sooner than I'd liked and I was about to head out when someone spoke.

"Are you really that determined to do this when you have absolutely no chance of winning?"

The girl who had spoken was another third year like me who I only saw here. I didn't know why, but she liked to bother people. I'd never talked to her much. Just enough to know I didn't like her. Her name was Yamada.

"You really think something coming from you is going to discourage me?" I said in a tone that implied boredom. Nevertheless, I was actually very mad.

"I'm not disingc- deasnc- I'm not doing that. I'm just explaining the situation. You have no chance of winning. At all. The prize will be mine."

"You seem very confident. We'll see who has the last laugh," I said as calmly as I could and dragged Kaneko out of there.

"How can you be so calm wh-?" She started asking, but I cut her off.

"Is she kidding me?" I was practically shouting. "She doesn't even know how to pronounce discourage and has the nerve to look down on me?"

"That was embarrassing, but listen -"

"And why does she talk like that? She's not in a freaking American high school drama!"

"I know, it makes me mad as-"

"And she even has the audacity to brag about how she's going to win? Please!"

"Are you done now?" Asked Kaneko

"Yes," I said, still mad, though.

"Okay. It's good to let it out."

"Thanks for listening to all of that," I was kinda embarrassed.

"Don't worry. I don't like her either. How did you manage to keep your cool in there? I would've lost it."

"I guess I'm good at acting," I laughed.

I knew that wasn't exactly the reason, but I was not going to think about it.

"Should we get something to eat?" I proposed.

"I'd love to, but I have to study."

"Why? We don't have exams yet."

"I know, but I didn't pay attention in maths today and I have to do the homework."

"Okay, we'll eat tomorrow."

"Sure thing."

I decided to go to see the girls. I walked to the gym muttering a song and opened the door.

"Nice receive, Noya!"

Oh, God. I was in the boys's gym.

Very embarrassed, I started to go away hoping no one would see me when:

"Y/n! Good thing you're here now" it was Daichi.

"What do you mean?" I didn't understand.

"Do you have a couple of minutes? Please play along," he whispered.

He turned to the team, especially Hinata.

"Listen up! Y/n is here to practice photography. She'll take a couple of shots to practice for her very important contest."

Hinata froze for a second and then smiled with sparks in his eyes. A bald guy and his short friend also seemed excited. I would've been nervous about something like that, but I guess Daichi knew his teammates.

"I'm sorry, they've been playing badly this past couple of days, I just needed a motivation," Daichi explained.

"Well played, captain."

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