15|| All The Odds Shine Somehow

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How are you all? 

I hope you are doing well ^-^! 

I'm really nervous that the exam is approaching and I'm almost 100% sure that I will fail lol! 

I hope I won't though... 


This chapter contains bullying and violence. If you don't like this kind of concept, please don't read the story. 

I won't tolerate any hate comments. 

Or hate comments will be ignored and deleted simply. 

Anyway, enjoy ^-^

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

Kuroi was a driven and determined boy. Growing up, he was always a bit of an outcast. He was quiet and introspective and never seemed to fit in with other the other kids.

Despite his oddness, Kuroi was a bright student and frequently found himself winning awards for his academic achievements. He was passionate about learning and often spent hours alone studying, reading and researching whatever topic struck his interest.

His name which meant 'black well' was an appropriate one. Kuroi seemed like he was proud of his name and what it meant, knowing that he had made the most of his life and had become a true well of knowledge.

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

Kuroi was always dreaming big. Sitting in his room most of the time, surrounded by his beloved books, he would dream about one day becoming a great writer. He would write stories just like the ones filled his room.

He wanted to write stories that would inspire others, stories that would make them think, to cause them to ponder important issues and give them better understanding of the world.

Naturally, Kuroi often found himself writing down random ideas and even little stories. He would practice using different perspectives, making up characters and getting his point across in as few words as possible.

He would stay up all night, scribbling away at a story, motivated by wanting to create something that could touch somebody's heart and stayed up late into the night, trying all kinds of different writing styles and techniques.

Though, most of the time, he would simply put his pencil down, not satisfied with the outcome and look at the story with a more critical eye until he could find the spark he was searching for.

However, no matter how hard it was, he would never give up on his dream. He knew that some day his hard work would pay off. Some day he would write something that would inspire somebody and he would get recognition for his work and eventually become the writer he always dreamed of.

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

However, Kuroi had always felt so alone in school like he had never before... Every day, he was the target of the bullying and felt invisible to everyone. In his head, he kept telling himself that it would get better, but it never did...

One day, the bullies cornered him in the hallway after school. They started mocking him and calling him names. Nobody else seemed to notice or care.

Kuroi felt completely helpless and his heart was pounding so loud he thought it was going to explode. Then, suddenly, a voice called out from a nearby classroom. It was his teacher.

His teacher came out into the hallway and yelled at the bullies to stop. She then looked at Kuroi with a sympathetic expression and said he was free to go.

For once, Kuroi felt like somebody cared. He thanked his teacher silently and quickly ran out of school.

From that day on, Kuroi felt a little bit more hopeful. His teacher had showed him that the world wasn't always cruel and apathetic. Now he was determined to stand up to the bullies and take back his life without knowing that someday he would reach to his breaking point.

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

Kuroi slammed his locker shut, wincing as it echoed down the lonely hallway. He had finished his last class of the day and was eager to go home, but he had to find the story that he had been working on hard for a long time.

Sighing, Kuroi grabbed his bag and started to make his way down the hallway. He was in such a daze that he didn't even notice as the bullies started following him. He continued to walk, hands stuffed deep into his pockets and headphones on full blast.

Suddenly, he heard a laughter coming from a few steps ahead. He stopped in his tracks, the laughter was unholy familiar. He knew that Riku and his group had been following him, but he hadn't expected for them to catch up as he quickly took his story from his desk. Kuroi turned around slowly, ready to face his problems.

Riku smiled, shaking his head mockingly. He knew that Kuroi was no match for him and his group. Lightning fast, he grabbed the notebook from Kuroi's hands, snatching it away, causing it to be torn apart in the process.

What Riku and his group didn't know though, was that it was the best story Kuroi had ever written. He had spent days in front of the computer, hours revising, but he had done it.

Kuroi's eyes twitched. His face quickly contorted in rage and he dove towards Riku, fists clenched. Riku tried to push him away, but Kuroi had gotten mad enough to not even feel the punches to his face. He tackled Riku to the ground, quickly pinning him underneath himself before pummeling him with a haymaker. Riku screamed and stayed still, trying to protect his face from the onslaught of angry fists thrown his way.

The other members of the group could only watch in shock at the ferocity of Kuroi's attack. Seconds later, Kuroi was pulled away from Riku by one of the bullies. Red-faced and breathing heavily, Kuroi forced his way away from the group, walking down the hallway.

All he wanted now was to get away, to some place safe where he could clean his wounds and gather his thoughts. He had never expected to cross his breaking point.

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

Oddly enough, he found solace in exploring the old well near his house. It was deep and dark and it was a place he could go when he felt overwhelmed. When he was feeling lost and alone, Kuroi would go to the well and sit there in the darkness.

To Kuroi, the well was a magical hiding place that kept him feeling safe and secure. He could make believe in a different world in the well, where he was a brave knight in a shining armor, fighting dragons and saving the kingdom. His secret hiding place allowed him to escape from reality and create a place to call his own.

The well was a little bit of freedom from the troubles and worries of life. It was a place of refuge and solace for the small boy. Fyodor's parents never found out about the well, but Kuroi was grateful for the little hide-away that it offered to him. 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

I don't know how many chapters this story will be lol!

I can guess it will definitely be more than 30 though... 

I'm writing chapter 25 right now! 

The next chapter will be updated in July 16! 

If you love my story, please stay tuned! 

I love you all ^-^! 

See you in the next chapters >~<~! 

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