30|| From A Lover's Embrace To A Cold Goodbye...

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Hello everyone! 

How are you today? 

I'm doing well I guess lol! 

It was hard to write this chapter for me... I'm not so emotional person lol, but it almost made me cry... Please don't hate me afterward... 

By the way, the poem in the beginning is belong to me lol! It is not the best I know... How can a literature student have 0 talent in writing a poem? Lmao! 

Anyway, I don't want to bore you all lol! 


This chapter contains angst and character death! If you don't like it, please don't read the chapter! I won't tolerate any hate comments and insults!

If you decide to read enjoy ^-^! 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

I hate living without you,
The way I'm filled with sorrow,
The way that I can't do a thing,
It makes me feel so hollow.

I miss your loving touch,
Your arms so tight around me,
I can't help but feel so lost,
Where once so full I used to be.

Oh, how I wish you were here,
Where I could look into your eyes,
Feel the warmth of your embrace,
Smile just by hearing your sighs...

Now that you are gone,
These feelings I can't escape,
Living without you, an awful pain,
My heart you gently did shape.

So when I think of you,
How you pulled me up so high,
Living without you is a torture,
However hard I try.

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

Chuuya had always lived a healthy life with daily exercise and preparing his own meals. As a successful doctor, he was passionate about helping others become healtier, as the saying 'physician heal thyself' had become a part of his life. When everything started with a dry cough, Chuuya didn't think much of it, but as the cough started getting worse and worse. With Dazai's incessant pressuring he eventually admitted to go to a hospital and Dazai's world collapsed onto him when they heard the diagnosis. Chuuya had lung cancer.

Devastated, Dazai took over Chuuya's daily lifestyle, handling his medical appointments, making sure he ate and slept correctly. He also made sure Chuuya went out without protective clothing to avoid infections. Chuuya was too resentful to even begin to accept it, but Dazai stayed strong, continually showing him support and love. Just like they promised in their wedding, he would be there for him in health and in sickness.

"I don't want to take the chemotherapy." Chuuya's eyes were filled with tears. "I don't want all of my hair to fall..."

"There is a way for it." Dazai said kissing Chuuya's head.

"What is it?" Chuuya asked.

"There is a special helmet which freezes the hair roots, so they won't fall." 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

However, Chuuya's body didn't accept the treatment...

The words the doctor spoke to Dazai seemed like they weren't really being told. He felt like everything was a bad dream... A vivid nightmare... He was going to wake up soon... Chuuya would be making his morning coffee as always... Mieko would be playing with her toys in her room... None of these things he heard was real...

Dazai collapsed onto the ground, sobbing heavily as the words the doctor said were running through his head over and over again. "I'm sorry, but your husband has three months left to live."

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