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It was 7:30 , when Nitya reached home from shopping with her friend, dad was very furious ,he doesn't like her to be out till late.

So as soon as she entered the living room, my father started his usual lecture, I hate that I can't say anything to defense her. I see my sister crying in front of my eyes.

She ran towards her room and I followed her, as I entered the room ,my eyes fell on the things she brought, she threw them. She has been saving money to get these things

I sat beside her, she hugged me and cried ,we might fight each other but we are each other's sole companion, when I doubt myself and get stressed about my studies or anything, she is always there for me to boost my confidence and share things.

▪︎Next day▪︎

Aftert repeating the same chores, I went to the library nearby, when I came back it was already lunch time, then decided to take a nap till evening cause I am planning to meet my friends.

I woke with a phone ringing, as I was sleeping on the sofa placed in the living room. I groaned and dragged myself to the switch board and unplugged the phone that was put up on charging.

It was my sister Nitya's phone, I didn't realise and swiped the green answer icon and put it near my ear.

"Hello." I was in daze till now but after listening to the sweet voice ,I jolted back into the reality.

"Hello, is Nitya there?" I roamed my eyes to find her in the house, she appeared from her room, she mouthed something, I couldn't infer.

"Aah... She seems busy with something " I said calmly not wanting to shutter.

"Could you tell her to come here asap." She said getting straight to the point.

"Ya, I'll tell her." I confirmed her, that I'll tell her as soon as she hang up.

"Ok, then ,Thank-you." She whispered. Her voice is so sexy, I'll become addict if I can hear it often.

As soon as she hung up, I rushed to Nitya's room saw her sitting on her study table ,scribbling something on her notebook very urgently.

" what happened, fighter jet." I said teasing her with a nickname that I had given her cause she always fights with me.

She picked the small teddy placed on her study table and threw it towards me, but before it could hit my head, I catched it in the mid air and threw it back at her.

"Anshu..." She said being irritated.

"What?" I said pouting.

" look brownie, I am in a very bad mood so don't disturb me." Brownie, that's my nickname given by this stupid girl ,who is my so called sister cause my skin and eyes a light shade of brown.

"Tell me na, I'll help you." I said genuinely trying to help her, she raised her eyebrows and smirked.

"Ofcourse, only you can help me now, just finish this, I'll go get ready. " She ran away giving me her notebook and pens.

I went through the words scribbled on the notebook and I realised she was writing dialogues for their play, that they have to present day after tomorrow.

I can't believe she was so excited for the play and yet she hasn't wrote her part of dialogues. I wrote the further dialogues as I was the writer of this play when we presented in our class.

She came back and thanked me , I just Shrugged and said " be quick, your friend is waiting. "

I was heading to my room, when she yanked my hand and turned me to face her " bhai.." she said 'bhai' ,her nut sized brain must be planning something.

"What is it that you want now, I did you work." I said a bit irritated.

"Could you please drop me to Eva's house, please." She is doing this again, oh how much I hate her this pouty face, I just can't say no to her.

Who is she learning this from?

"Ok-ok , now stop doing this, or I'll punch you on your face." Frustration visible on my face.

"Huh... how rude." She said remarkably.

She went to her room to get ready and I went to mine, I decided to wear one of my favourite shirts, I wanna have good impression on Eva, why, maybe I am having a crush on her.

I know it's so quick, but I am a person who knows myself and my feelings better than anyone else of my ages cause I spend my time reading self help books, they help me know me better.

After looking at the mirror last time and being satisfied with my hairstyle and clothes ,I went into the living room.

"Nitya, be quick or I'll leave you." I shouted sitting on the sofa.

"Be on time, ok." My mother reminded us so dad doesn't cause a scene like yesterday.

"Yes mom." I said politely.

We both sat on the bike my dad brought for me, this year on my birthday as I turned 17.

I was riding while Nitya was telling me the way, it took almost 15 minutes for us to reach. So that mean yesterday the girl walked to our house, incredible.

I removed my helmet as we reached the silver gate and rang the bell, seconds later the door opened revealing the same girl from yesterday, wearing a grey coloured shorts paired with a white tank tops, I think she loves tank tops, I always seen her wearing plane tank tops.

I pressed my lips into a smile, "Aah....actually she was getting late,so I thought to drop her here." I hesitantly said while rubbing the back of my neck.

Nitya showed her disagreement by saying " No, he is such a liar,I literally have to request him to drop me here." Only if she knew that it was just a show.

I was about to argue back but Eva interrupted me saying "it doesn't matter guys, come inside."

"No,it's ok, I have to be somewhere." I said and moved towards my bike, I was about to put my helmet on when I remembered my mother's words 'be on time'.

"Call me when you are done and finish your work on time." I added as I put on my helmet and looked at Eva one last time before riding to my friend's house.


It's my exam tomorrow, wish me luck.

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Have a good day.

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