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I was pulled in a bone crushing hug as soon as I enter my house, I was taken aback but soon realised who it could be, the person picked me up while hugging and swirled while saying "I really missed you Eva."

He put me down and I got to see the face I haven't seen since 1 month. I did miss him so much, and now that he is here, I am so excited to tell him about things that happened in his absence.

"Liar, if you did missed me, why didn't you called?" I turned my head opposite to him, feeling hurt and walked to my room, he trailed after me.

I throw myself on bed and he mimicked my action. We were close, we were born in same year, our moms always kept us together and lying beside each other is nothing new to us.

He got up, and made me sit by pulling my arm.

"Let's go to an amusement park, my treat, as an apology." My face lit up listening to that and I hugged him.

"I love you Gunny." I squealed

"Love you too, my dumbo." He said, I squinted my eyebrows and glare at him.

Next Day□

I was having a good day, Gunny and I decided to spend the day together. In the morning we went to park for jogging then we decided to get ready and meet at the Caffè, then we'll go to theme park.

We went on different rides and clicked a lot of pictures. It's been a whole while and I really enjoy his company, he is the only person that never judge me.

After coming back from theme park, we together went to his house.

I entered his house then he lead me inside. I plopped on his bed and he did the same thing then turned on the TV.

Now we were busy watching cartoons while munching snacks. I was laughing at the scene in front of me, our faces were resting on the arms placed on bed and we were lying on ours stomachs that's when I felt a gaze on me.

I turned my head to look at the boy next to me, his eyes were staring at me intently, I snap at him bringing him out of his trance.

"What?" I mouthed.

He just simply nodded his head in no and my face showed a frown look.

"It's just, I really missed you." I smiled at his words and sat up crossing my legs.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you." I smacked myself lightly.

"What?" He said taking his place next to me.

"First tell me, did you ever had a crush on anyone?" I asked, a small smile playing on my lips.

"yup, why are you asking about this? Don't tell you are having a crush on someone." His eyes widened at the realisation.

I slightly blushed at his comment.

"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Is this what you call friendship?"
He started bombarding his question with any brake.

I raised my hand and put on his mouth to stop him from talking. My palm touched his lips and I can still hear muffled voice and then silence. He again looked at me with those emotions that I couldn't infer.

I let go off my hand and scooted closer to him.

"You better start talking or else I won't talk to you." He warned and made a pouting face.

"Listen, you know my best friend Nitya right?" He nodded his head in yes and signalling me to continue.
"So one day we decided to go shopping and I went to pick her, there I met this guy, his name is Anshuman."

And I told him how he helped me in choosing a gift for her sister, how we both grew closer to each other and By the time I was finished narrating my whole story, his expression became serious.

"I thought you were joking and it's nothing serious But you seem very infatuated by him." He said with a offended look on his face.

"Don't worry, I think he is the right person for me" I confidently said and got up to go back to my house but he pulled me from wrist.

"But what if, he doesn't think the same." His voice sounded serious.

"I think, he does have a soft corner for me." I remember, how he look at me, from time to time.

"Having a soft corner doesn't mean that he wants to be with you for forever." His sentence created a dellima in my head.

"I know but he looks at me like.."


"Like he would look at the girl of her dream."


Days passed and I didn't talk to anyone nor Gunny nor Anshu. Gunny is very over protective about me, he never let me get close to any guy, he really care about how can I ignore his questions.

Though Anshu kept messaging me but I didn't reply, It's not like I don't want but Gunny's questions caused a lot of havoc in my head. I am getting too caring away by my feelings?

I grabbed my hair in frustration, when I got a call, I didn't look at the caller id before answering the call and putting it near my ear.

"Hello, good morning." That same honey voice spoke.

"Hii, morning." I tried my best to not sound low.

"What happened? Are you ok? You sound low." Oh no, he sensed it.

"No, I am fine, why did call?" I tried to change the topic.

"Erm... I need you help?" He voice was showing how hesitant he is.

"Actually I need to buy something and I think only you can help me, please." I smiled lightly before agreeing to his request.

I got dressed and reached the place he told me. I saw him already present there, he was wearing a plain full sleeve skyblue t-shirt with black trousers and a black hat, to avoid the sunrays.

He waved at me with a big smile as soon as he saw me, I forgot all my tension and moved toward him.

"Thanks for coming."

"That's not needed, btw what did you want my help into?" I asked getting straight to the point to which he gave me a list.

As I went through the list, I was shocked as to why and whom does he need this for?

"Beauty products?" I looked at him with a confused expression.

"mm.... ya." He said scraping his back of the neck with left hand while the other went into his pocket.


Have a good weekend.

Next chapter will be uploaded after few hours.

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