Chapter - 13

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"Did you see Ladoo how she declined a simple request? What would have happened if she had said yes. Not to anyone else but to her own sister, we were asking to transfer the shares." Parvati twitched her nose. "I'm telling you she's changed."

"Grandma, the only thing that is bothering me is that if tomorrow Sanskar shows Laksh the way out of the company? What will happen to us? Laksh was saying that his words will have no meaning in front of the Sanskar's decision" Ragini was concerned from the day Swara had declined their parents proposal.

The proposal to transfer half of her shares to her sister's name in the name of equality. The Gadodia family could not accept the fact that the girl who used to keep every single word on top of her head, the same girl, without thinking about it, flatly refused their request.

Sharmishtha was the most affected by Swara's words. Her illusion that my daughter does not refuse anything of mine, that illusion was shattered.

Ragini was also shocked for the first time when her sister chose Sanskar's trust and love over their SwaRagini bond. This had never happened before.

Parvati got one more reason to hate Swara. Her hatred for her other grand-daughter increased in multitude. Her heart envied Swara's bright future against her beloved Ragini.

"Ma, Papa, this thing should remain in this room. Please don't mention this to anyone. Papaji will get angry if he comes to know about this." Ragini had requested her parents after Swara's exit.

"I see only two solutions for this. First, tell Laksh to give more concentration to his new company, build it, and stand on his own feet. Be successful like his elder brother. Once his place in the house is confirmed, no one will have the courage to say anything to you." Parvati always wished the best for her grand-daughter, but when it became her obsession she herself did not understand.

"You are right Dadi ma." Ragini nodded her head in agreement.

"Second thing, you give this house it's heir as soon as possible. Even before Swara. Parineeta is not here at all." Parvati's manipulative instinct reached its peak.

Ragini turned to look at her grand-mother with wide open eyes.

"Remember when you did that drama of fake pregnancy to help your mother, then how Annapurna made you sit on her head. She was only concerned about you. Swara had fallen into the river. She was missing for so many days, yet Annapurna was more worried about you. Because she assumed you were carrying for the heir of this house." Parvati provoked her grand-daughter, using her inferiority complex.

"I will talk to Laksh." Ragini's mind started revolving around her grand-mother's words.

As usual post dinner time, Swara went upstairs to the terrace for their 'Me Time.' When she stepped on the terrace, she could not see Sanskar on the swing. She roamed her eyes, and at one corner of the terrace she could see her husband who was busy on call.

She kept on staring at him back. Over the last few days, she had started feeling she was getting her Sanskar back. He had started smiling oftenly, his flirty teasing during their routine, peace on his face on morning drive, his possessive hold over her at nights. His smile, his love for her, his respect...she was able to see them in his dark brown eyes.

She remembered their conversation happened a few days back when she confessed about her parents proposal to transfer her shares on her sisters name.

His eyes flickered with insecurity for a moment but when she admitted she declined their proposal, his eyes grew wide in astonishment. And then the next moment they were filled with peace, satisfaction, trust and admiration.

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