Chapter - 17

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"Swara, do you think this much Chana should be ok for tomorrow?" Parineeta asked with hopeful eyes.

Swara passed a quick glance at Parineeta and then the bowl filled up with chana and water.

"Hmm" It was again a monosyllable response from her sister-in-law.

Swara turned back to Nirmala kaki for delegating work for kitchen wind up as per routine.

But Swara could feel a continuous gaze on her from Parineeta.

It had been two weeks for Parineeta and Adarsh's return to their household and by each passing day they both were feeling a transparent wall had been built up between them and Ram's family's members. Swara and Sujata kept it very formal with Parineeta, both were maintaining their reserved, distant behaviour towards her in spite of her advances to improve their relations.

Earlier Parineeta had thought over a period of time things would fall in their place, letting her earn forgiveness from everyone but alas.

Annapurna had asked her to keep patience whereas Ragini was turning as her confidante. The bond Parineeta used to share with Swara earlier was now getting replaced with Ragini.

Ragini had her inner motives for flourishing her bondings with Parineeta. She had strict instructions from Parvati to make every effort to safeguard her position in the good books of Annapurna.

Parineeta overlooked at the kitchen, once it was a place where she had heard giggling sounds, teasings, gossipings and what not but now... it has turned into a deep silence zone.

Same was the condition with Adarsh, he was permitted to join their family business but at very least, an unimportant position. He was under the supervision of the ones whom once upon a time he used to pass orders. He was bestowed with minimal responsibilities just taking care of a few supervision staff in their factory. There were strict instructions from Durga Prasad Maheshwari to his supervisors to keep a keen eye on his elder son's activities.

Adarsh was well aware, if he needed to earn forgiveness from his father then the route was through Sanskar. His cousin, has always an edge over his father. His father admired his cousin from his childhood.

Over the last two weeks, he had tried to connect the bridge between him and Sanskar, but his little cousin was too occupied with his own business and personal life to give any attention to his elder. They both did not get time to have their one on one or should we say, his cousin has avoided any possibility of it. His cousin was totally proving his wife's words which she had declared when they were asked for their forgiveness.

"Kaki, I am leaving. Good night." Swara wished and grabbed a water jug from the kitchen platform. She headed outside to join her husband for their 'Me Time'.

"She has changed a lot." Ragini spoke, breaking Parineeta's trance. She was staring at Swara's retiring figure.

True, a lot of things have changed over these last 11 months. Nowadays when Parineeta enters the kitchen she is welcomed with silent glares, raised eyebrows, hurtful stares and distasteful expressions.

Annapurna, Ragini and Gadodia ladies were her supporters but rest everyone were giving her and husband a cold shoulder.

It was midnight, Swara and Sanskar both were sleeping peacefully in each other's embrace. Their sleep got disturbed with a loud crashing sound followed by honking of the car.

Swara stirred, the same with Sanskar.

"What's that noise?" She asked, groaning, when a honking voice was repeatedly hitting their eardrums.

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