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"Is this really all that you own?" Grayson quirks an eyebrow down at the pile of Adrian's things now scattered across my living room.

"Call me a minimalist" my boyfriend shrugs, Xander, Grayson and I all staring at him.

"That can't be all of your stuff, dude" Xander shakes his head.

"Would you like to go check the apartment?" Adrian narrows his eyes at my best friend.

"It's just clothes and toiletries! You don't have photos? Knick knacks? Hell, a gaming system!?" Xander gestures to the pile of belongings.

"I had a shitty childhood, I don't collect Knick knacks and I'm not a 16 year old boy" Adrian shrugs.

"I have to agree, lover, this is a little depressing" I scrunch my nose taking in his stuff.

"Alright, are we going to stand here and criticize my lifestyle or are we going to go? Ava's going to kill us all if we're late" Adrian grumbles.

We all chuckle and follow him out of the apartment down to his car.

Mom called a mandatory dinner and we all called Adrian insane for wanting to move his stuff in before we head over.

Little did we know he didn't have much to move and he's now officially moved into my apartment.

My heart bursts every time I think about it and I almost have to pinch myself every few minutes to make sure the universe isn't fucking around with me.

Adrian opens the passenger door for me and Grayson gasps at us both.

"Dude, what the fuck?" He glares at his best friend.

"She's a lady, you dick" Adrian rolls his eyes.

"Well, she's nothing but my little sister to me and oldest gets shotgun, best friend rules!" my brother scoffs.

"It's my car, so my rules. And rule number one is get your ass in the back when my girl is present" Adrian retorts and Xander and I just watch in amusement.

This is the duo I grew up with. Adrian isn't some dark and mysterious guy and he isn't even my boyfriend right now. Right now, he's arguing with his best friend and I couldn't be more amused by the sight, reveling in the nostalgia of it all.

"I'm your best friend!" Grayson exclaims, gesturing to himself as if it's all the reason to get front seat.

"Yeah, well, I'm in love with her so, get in the back" Adrian says with finality before he helps me into my seat making me laugh loudly before he shuts the door.

"You have that man wrapped around your finger" Xander snickers as he slides into the back just before Grayson slides in next to him, glaring at me.

"This is totally unfair. You just had to seduce my best friend? I used to be his passenger princess!" Grayson hisses making me stifle another laugh.

"I didn't know all Harts were in love with Adrian" Xander smirks, Grayson glaring at him.

"Stop being such a child, Gray, if you wanted front seat, you should have drove" I shrug, unfazed by my brothers ridiculousness.

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