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Doctor Paige and young me stood in an elevator. An awkward silence tensed between us. My jaw was clenched, and I was afraid everything that could come out of it would be snappy.

"Before we see your bow skills..." She broke through the wall of silence. It almost made me jump. "I'd like you to meet someone."

I replied with just a nod, but when Doctor Paige raised her eyebrows, I had no choice. "Who is it?"

"A man." She started. It annoyed me she needed me to speak before she would explain. "He will be.. a sort of personal trainer for you. He'll help you with stuff, give you injections sometime, check if everything is alright.. all that."


We stepped out of the elevator, which was going down before. It seemed to be a sort of basement. Everywhere was darkness, but it looked giant. Once Doctor Paige turned the light on, it indeed was enormous.

We stood in a big room, that had multiple doors attached to it too. The walls were brown and the smell was a bit weird, but not disgusting. It was like dust.

"You'll be spending most of your time here the next months." She explained as she started pointing at things. "Behind that door, you find a design room... for something we'll explain later. There's a weapon room to practice, a special operation room, and a room with files."

A shiver went down my spine. "Special operation room?"

"Let's just go to the Weapon Room, okay?"

She talked around it. And that scared the hell out of me. Whatever would happen in that room wouldn't be good.

Doctor Paige opened the door, revealing the Weapon Room, and a man standing there. First, I looked around. It was just as dark in the room, but the smell was different... this smelled like something new, as if it was just built.

A few weapons hung on the wall. Multiple bows, dozens of arrows, and two guns. Fake human targets and round targets were included too, together with a big screen.

Then I looked at the man. He wore a grey turtle neck, covered by a leather jacket. He wasn't much younger than Doctor Paige. His dark hair was short and almost turning grey.

"Lenora, this is Janson." She motioned at the man. His smile was weird and scared me. It was more like a grin.

Hesitantly I shook the hand he held out to me, mine disappearing in his large one. And now that I stood in between these two grown-ups, I could see how small I actually was. Maybe even smaller than normal people my age. I barely came to their waists!

"Hello, Lenora." Janson greeted. His voice was stern, but not as scary as he grinned. Doctor Paige pushed a bow in my hands, and motioned at a fake human target.

It all went so fast, that it kind of overwhelmed me. Two adults were expecting a lot from me, and I was just a kid.

Quickly, with sweaty hands, I put an arrow in the bow just the way my dad taught me. Janson crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, his eyes burning in me as Doctor Paige said some sweet things.

I shot the arrow, hitting the target right in the stomach. It was meant for the head, but Doctor Paige seemed satisfied.

"Could you do it a few more times?" She questioned. I nodded and shot more arrows, honestly having no idea why I didn't talk. Maybe I was scared.. but of what?

I hit the head, chest, and stomach a few more times. "Guess she's a natural talent," Janson commented. "Perfect."

I looked at Doctor Paige, and she nodded, giving me a sign it was done. I put the bow back and walked over to the target to get the arrows out.

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