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First love is often sweet and new,
A feeling that is quite true,
Sometimes it last, sometimes it break,
Leaving our hearts in despair.

True love is something more,
It shines so bright, with all it's might.
Patience and trust, a foundation strong,
Full of commitments It is impossible to get wrong.
A bond that cannot be broken,
Even if the world seems to be broken.

Greatest love, what could it be?
Is it the one that sets us free?
It's the love that lasts eternally,
The love that makes our heart strong,

The greatest love is one lasts,
Maybe longer, maybe forever,
Through life trials and struggles will always be together.
It's all love built with trust,
We can say it's a gift from above.

All love is just the same, through joys and tears,
Bond only deepens through years
First love maybe sweet and nostalgic, true love is rare, and greatest love is forever.

None of them can last longer if commitment doesn't exist, It's always with 'trust' and understanding that keeps the relationship last longer.

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