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In the dark corner of my mind
Lurks a feeling so unkind
It's the fear that grips me tightly
Making my heart beat swiftly.

It creeps up like a whispered voice
Surrounding me with all those noise
It occupy me by force,
Forcing me to get lost

Grew up with this fear,
Can't understand what I feel
How long will it stay?
Can I conquer it  all alone?

Trying to shake it off,
Trying to fight it off
But the fear, It persists, It doesn't want to be conquered.

It's the sensation that I cannot shake
A demon's hand that I cannot break
Wether in the light, or the dark of night,
It hangs over me like a tie

I try to be brave, act unafraid,
Facing it with my fist,
Trying to conquer it with my strength

The fear holds so tight,
Sometimes it seems like it'll never go away
But I'll keep fighting, every single day
Just to conquer this fear inside me.

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