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Each breath you take, each beat of your chest,
A testament to why you're here, why you're blessed.
From the birth of the galaxies, to the turning of time,
You arrived, my friend, in this cosmic chime.

If the universe didn't need you, it's true,
You wouldn't be here, no chance, no clue.
For every particle and part of celestial sphere,
Whispers a tale of your birth so clear.

If the universe didn't need you, my dear,
It wouldn't create a soul so sincere.
You're a miracle, one of the best being,
For each people in here.

In this vast universe, so endless and grand,
Where the galaxies swirl, and planets command.
If ever the cosmos had no need for you,
You wouldn't be here, every morning anew.

So embrace your purpose, let your heart free from insecurities,
For the universe chose you, you have a role to play,
A life to live,
A destiny to take.

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