Chapter 3 - Let's Live For Now (3)

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All of a sudden, I woke to the sound of the curtains being drawn.

'Fucking body.'

I could barely open my eyes.

After suffering the whole night in pain, I barely managed to get a wink of rest after being constantly woken up.

"Are you up?"

Hearing Cassion's words, Ruel didn't bother responding.

"Hey, I know you're awake. If you want to go out and come back before the slug comes, you're gonna have to hurry."

Knowing I can't pretend anymore, I opened my eyes and looked at Cassion.

Trying to get up, I was immediately overcome with weakness causing my body to feel limp and heavy as if it were shackled by steel chains.

'This fucking body.'

Feeling limp, I laid back onto the bed cursing.

"Here, let me lift you up."

Cassion raised Ruel's upper body delicately without a stumble. After making sure Ruel was sitting comfortably on the bed, he brought water and medicine without a word.

"There's still have a slight fever. You were sicker than usual last night."

As if he was following a routine, Cassion lifted his body straight to wipe the sweat gathered on his body with a damp cloth and he did this with great familiarity, even helping him change his clothes.

I felt refreshed after cleaning my body.

"I know you don't like it, but I'll bring you a meal." Cassion said to him, after helping.


Seeing Cassion leave the room, l took medicine placed on the desk next to the bed.

Only after my body became more comfortable did I take in the surroundings. I realized that my room, which I thought was fine, had their windows blocked up by newspapers.

'Would it be okay to s

ay that it was that place with a yard, where it was cut off?' I laughed lightly.

Although it was my second day of becoming Ruel, I felt good today thinking of finally saying goodbye to this wretched disease.

'If I get that power, it will be a great start.'

The most important thing for a person to cherish is their health. After all you have to be healthy for you to do anything. I don't want to go back to who I was before and certainly not the way I am right now either.

I just want to live a normal, healthy and peaceful life.

'That should be very simple.'


After a light meal, I dressed before going out.

"Where did you find this?" 

Tugging at the loose clothes I asked. It felt like I was wearing someone else's clothes.

Cassion complained of injustice.

"It's only been half a year since I served you."



"It's good because you personally confessed your laziness of not doing anything for half a year."

I took a breath and continued again.

"So you're really letting me go out wearing these clothes?"

"Sorry. Among other women's clothes, that one is the smallest one."

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