pt2- 1

286 18 2

New York



Khali's pov

" how much time I told u not to run with the knife?" I scolded my 4 year old daughter Salem.

" my bad " she pouts and ran out the kitchen.

Turning my attention to the stove quickly flipping the pancakes and rest the berries on the plate as a side . I recently moved and figured out a way to become a stay at home mother and also a full time influencer and things turn out great.

" is daddy coming ?" She asked resting her head against the counter,  I received a text from some unknown number that apparently Dave got into some shit and been arrested. Missing out his daughter's life even more was nerve racking but I needed to stay strong for her.

" I'll ask nana about that , why don't u get dressed and we'll visit them?" I said seeing her pout grew even more bigger.


" hey thanks for coming over " mrs Brewster says helping Kairi inside the house while I talk with Dave on the phone.  Dude was really about about explain his sad ass story knowing I been a mother for years on end while he was locked away.

" ain't nobody trying to hear u out, I've been doing this shit before u even accepted a child in yo' life " I corrected seeing he was yet again to pin some stupid things on my name.

" so why u being all ignorant and shit , I been doing all that just to make the both of yall good and that's your response?" Dave says trying to argue around the fact he wasn't a present person in her life.

" nigga fuck u and that bitch u layed up with , I've been holding it out for years being that loyal bitch and shit even went far to protect ya lil sorry ass and all I got was disrespect but fuck u David " I hung up throwing the phone in my bag.

" mommy why are u upset?" I noticed Kairi by the door and sighs walking back in telling her some sad ass story knowing her father really ain't shit.

Dave's pov

" u really ain't said nothing about a child nigga !?" Layla grumbled throwing some stuff around . She was indeed a great hookup but clearly ain't see a family around her crazy ass now that she found out I had a child with her best friend and not her .

" so what ? I have a family and u know that shit so don't come acting like u ain't around my own family all weekend talking mad shit bout me " I said.

Layla got real quiet resting her arms around my neck hissed her teeth and looked away. I felt tears down my back and look into the mirror seeing this hoe real crying after all the shit she told my family bout me .

" why her ? U told me it's just us and nobody else . U had a whole child at first and one with her and  u won't leave her ?" Her voice cracked laying her head on my shoulder. Her eyes traced back to mines searching for something maybe a little pity upon herself but found none.

" I only love my kids and that's all ain't no bitch coming over my daughter's so be mad all u want that's not changing " sternly I responded grabbing my shirt off the bed slipping it over my head and firmly on my back.  I placed my shorts back on searching for my keys.

" well shit sorry I can't fucking give u another child,  am not the one fucking around on my baby mama huh ? Sorry ass excuse for a father " she throws something at me just as i left the room and walked downstairs beeping my car open.

" crazy ass hoes " I hissed putting the car in drive leaving her run down apartment to my mother's house up the city . Trying to focus on the road my mind goes back to what her hoe ass said and some other shit khali told me earlier .

Truly I fucking love khali but something about me being on the streets and jail plus having a whole fucking groupie ain't nothing compared to my kids at all. Driving into the parking lot I noticed a BMW parked in my spot which had some shit on the back with Khali's name . I can't believe it's just years apart and she already upgraded.

Pushing at the door bell I waited for a whole hour until 2 eyes looked at me from the window . I did a lil sarcastic wave and the door opens revealing my mother who had my nephew in her arms .

" heyyy babyyy" she engulfed me with her chest crushing my already muscular self . Looking behind me her eyes narrowed " where Kairi at ?" I shook my head walking inside taking in the scenery of something I didn't see at jail . Just some hard ass concrete and men who wanna beat the shit outta' u everyday.

" Keisha taking her out for some" trip" ion even know what it all about but it's her child too and the judge be on my ass lately " I explained shrugging at the unknown trip her mother planned.

After I was in jail Keisha visit and drop all custody of Kairi and explained how fucked up she was about the whole thing. I stook a seat in the couch turning on the TV,  noticing an iPad few seats away I smiled Salem was over here too.

We only talked a few times and I'll buy gifts and beg khali to let her atleast know am doing some shit for her . I wasn't present for 4 years but I made enough time with gifts and videos telling her happy birthday and how much I wanted to see her.

I got out a few days ago and decided to call mom and told her my plans and what i was planning to do  . I took up the iPad and noticed a small figure standing by the stairs , standing up I took my time starring at Salem who noticed me and ran downstairs clutching her body tightly around me .

" DADDY!? DADDY!?"  She yelped.

Salem looked around the room seeing her grandmother now appearing from the  kitchen , khali came out shortly starring at me and Salem leaving the room . I placed Salem on the couch and walk out behind her desperately trying to grab her attention.

" so your here and what ?" Her soft tone sent shocks to my body, the way her lips moved with every word I'll let her touch me right now no matter how pissed she is.  

" I wanna talk to u " I quickly pulled her into a room and shut the door . " u need to leave me alone and  move on " she said softly not even glancing at me.

" your what I want " suddenly I lean down to her lips and kissed her pulling head back a little.

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