Chapter 11 : Big Brother

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In the spacious study of his own home, Roger slept like a rock on his desk with a soft cotton blanket spread on his back to keep him warm. The detective had spent the better half of last night working on his newest case, the murder of his former partner. Through multiple phone calls, the detective cooperated with his comrades to coordinate their movements.

"Honey? Wake up," a light shake on his shoulder woke Roger up.

Groaning and moaning, Roger who got too little sleep the night before reluctantly opened his eyes and looked up at his wife. With pursed lips, the sleep deprived detective moved his arms to block his eyes like a blindfold to continue sleeping. Faced with her husband's childish action, the woman clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction.

"I'm serious Roger, get up this instant or you'll be sleeping here again tonight."

"Not even the couch?"

"No. Now get up and go to sleep on the bed!" she gave him her ultimatum.

"I'm awake! Awake and ready to go! I'll just clean up a bit then head to work. I'll get breakfast on the way. Okay, bye!" Roger rushed out of the study.

His wife shook her head in disbelief.

Rushing through his morning routine, Roger splashed his face with freezing cold water to further wake himself up. Afterwards with the speed of a motivated man, finished washing, brushing and dressing up in a span of 15 minutes. Making some final adjustments to his collared shirt, the middle aged man ran out of the house faster than his two sons who had just finished breakfast.

Dominic the older of the two could only scratch his head as his law-abiding father sped away on his car at a speed that should break a couple of traffic violations. Confused he turned to his mother who came out of the kitchen to send him off.

"What happened to dad?"

"A new case, his former partner was found shot and killed. He's emotional."

"So does that mean we're walking to school today?" the second son, Ian poked his head out from behind the door to ask.

"Guess so," Dominic pulled his brother closer before walking side by side to their school.

Meanwhile on the road, Roger slowed down his car to think about the murder of his former partner. Thinking about how ugly he died, the detective gritted his teeth and clenched the steering wheel tight. Why do good people have to die?

A short drive later, Roger arrived at the station and clocked in. Without much of a lead, he could only turn to one of the gang investigators for some insight. Ceasar Heights being a high crime and gang activity zone, it only made sense. Walking through the station, Roger looked for and found the blonde detective with a rookie by his desk with an open laptop and stack of files.

"Jake, I need your help."

"I heard what happened. I'll help in any way I can. Just tell me what you need."

"I need every file you have on the members of the Black Dragons. My guts telling me it's one of them. And I'm going to catch them if it's the last thing I do!" Roger was determined.

"Want my take? If one of the Black Dragons really killed him, they would have hid the body better," Jake explained.

"You think? Maybe they're trying to send a message to us?"

"Unlikely. If that was the case, Kennedy would have been in uniform. The way you found him, he would just be another civilian,"

"Then who do you think did it?"

"Considering everything, I think the most likely outcome would be a gang war between the Dragons and one of the neighbouring gangs."

"What makes you say that?"

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