Chapter 24 : Collided

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"Thanks for giving me a hand... again."

Corry turned to kiss his loving boyfriend on the cheek while he guarded their shopping cart full of party and Halloween decorations. Brad who had gone shopping with Corry for party supplies for the second time in a week couldn't help to question the uni student who was throwing decorations into the cart.

"Why are we doing this again? I thought you already finished your brother's cafe," Brad pushed the cart to follow his lover.

"We did. This bunch is for Maxy's pet shop and my dormroom!" Corry humed happily with his hands behind his back as he scanned the shelves.

"Okay, but how are you paying for all this?"

"I don't. Maxy told me to go all out and he'll pay me back later! Howey too. So let's finish up quick! I don't want to get there too late!" Corry was in such a rush that he ended up bumping into another shopper.

Otto had just came out of the pet food aisle when he was collided by a familiar patch of purple hair he occasionally met at Howard's cafe. Looking at the uni student who had fallen to the ground, the ginger haired man outstretched his arm to help him up. Brad who stood a few feet away looked at Otto with a displeasing gaze that read "get away". After the clumsy Corry was helped up, the young man who was flushed red scratched his back neck timidly before murmuring out an apology.

"No harm done. Aren't you Howard's brother? Corry, right? Funny seeing you here."

"Oh. You're Oliver right... no it's something with an 'O'. Give me a minute!" Corry began ruffling his hair in frustration. "OTTO! Otto right?"

Otto chuckled while a jealous Brad huffed.

"What are you--"

"Babe! Didn't you say you want to give there early?" Brad interrupted the older man's question.

"Right! I'm sorry, Otto. I need to get going!" Corry ran to his boyfriend's side before grabbing the handle with him and pushing it together towards the counters.

Brad who had successful pulled his lover away from the other man was happy. Letting out a smug smile as he passed the ginger haired stranger, Brad began to pick up his pace pushing the cart, dragging his boyfriend along. By the time they reached the counters, the two were lightly panting as they got into line.

However their two person world did not last long when Otto came and lined up behind them with bag of dry cat food and a couple cans of tuna. So with nothing else to do, Corry picked up his previous conversation with his brother's customer.

"What were you about to ask me?"

"Oh. What are you doing here?" Otto managed to ask to Brad's dismay.

"Why do you want to know?" Brad stared the man down with a threatening glare.

"Brad don't be rude. He's my brother's customer!" Corry was a little mad at his easily jealous boyfriend. "We're heading to my other brother's pet shop to help him decorate for the season!"

Just because Otto felt Brad's hostility towards him, Otto planned to anger the jealous man some more. "Can I come with you? I've recently got a kitten and I need some advice on how to take care of it. I can also give you guys a ride."

Corry looked at his boyfriend's pout on face. The purple haired student thought his boyfriend was cute but he really didn't see the problem with carpooling with Otto. Brad who was losing his patient because of the man couldn't help but curse under his breath.

"What if he's a serial killer who wants to kidnap you and murder you?" Brad complained in a low tone but was still heard.

"Stop being paranoid. Otto is offering to help. Let's just go together," Corry made his decision.

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