Chapter 27 : Chased

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The school bell rang, signalling the end of school. In a classroom farthest away from the school gate, Dominic and Ian watched as their classmates frantically packed their bags before squeezing and flooding out the narrow classroom door. The two brothers had long been accustomed to the scene. No matter how quick they packed and ran, they wouldn't be able to get through the mob of students in their way. So the two came up with the idea of taking their time and leisurely leaving the school last like they were on a brisk walk.

When the noise outside was finally over, that was when the two brothers began their after class routine. Stopping one last time by their lockers, they would calmly sort out their things while waiting for the traffic jam caused by the end of school to subside. Putting in his combination to his lock, Ian opened his locker only to pull out his wireless headphone and hang it around his neck. Meanwhile, Dominic who had just opened his locker was shouted and jumped back from the unexpected sight that he met.

Inside his locker was the head of a pig with blood still seeping out from its chopped neck. Dominic watched as a couple flies flew out of his locker before turning his attention to his once clean books that were now soaked in pig blood. Seeing his brother's frightened reaction, Ian was quick to help his older brother who had fallen to the floor. By the time Ian had turned his attention to his brother's locker, he only clicked his tongue in disgust.

"Isn't it too early for Halloween pranks?"

"It's real," Dominic managed to say in a shaky voice.


"IT'S REAL! THIS ISN'T A PRANK! WE HAVE TO CALL DAD!" Dominic frantically looked around as if he could find the culprit.

However, in an empty hallway there was no suspects that could had sent the malicious threat. Then out of the bathroom was an unfamiliar janitor dawning a uniform a size too small who gave the two brothers an attentive gaze. At that moment, Dominic's instinct triggered causing him to grab hold of his brother's arm and run the opposite direction.

Pulling his brother behind him, Dominic looked left and right for any adults they could turn to but there were no teachers or school staff in sight. It was only when the two brothers reached the gates of the school did they stopped and called for the security guard. While catching their breaths, Ian questioned his twin.

"Domi, what's going on? What do you mean that wasn't a prank?"

"Prank? What prank?" the security guard came out and met with the two teens.

"Someone is after us. The pig head in my locker is a threat, probably by someone dad had arrested and is now freed. Please help us!" Dominic pleaded to the old security guard. "Can we stay with you until--"

Bang! Bang!

"Watch out!" the security guard pushed the two boys out of the line of the bullets getting himself shot in the arm. "You two run! And call the police! I'll hold him back."

Dominic was reluctant but did as the old man told, running down the street along side his brother while dialing his dad's number. Ducking into a nearby alleyway to hide, Dominic cursed his poor reception making him wait an unacceptably long time for his call to get through.


Roger : Hello Nick? What's the matter? Why are you out of breath?

Dominic : Dad, someone is after us! They left a pig head in my locker and shot the security guard! Please come quick!

Roger : Nick! Are you and Ian hurt? Stay where you are, I'll be there as soon as possible!


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