Chapter 13 : What I Am

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"How much longer?" NJ impatiently asked the 13th Street Gang drug dealer.

While the undercover cop was finally happy about recieving a job that could help him make an arrest, his mood for the past few days could not be lower. The reason? The discovery of his partner's body in front of the Dragons' neutral zone. A place that was supposed to safe heaven for everyone was the crime scene of his partner's murder.

NJ wished he could investigate his death himself but the task he was currently on was too important. Plus, it would be a disaster if his true identity was exposed, he would die a more tragic death than his partner, officer Kennedy Lachlan.

"What's the rush? It's not like you have anywhere else to be," Travis rolled his eyes at the Black Dragons' errand boy before entering the laundry mat that was a front for their drug operation. "What's the hold up? The client's getting anxious!"

NJ couldn't hear the rest outside the closed door. And he couldn't even see inside because of the closed blinds that blocked his vision. So there he continued to wait until the glass door of the laundry mat opened revealing Travis who was holding a basket that seemingly contained a bundle of clean clothes.

Taking the basket of the drug dealer's hands, NJ lifted some of the clothing to reveal some neatly packaged snow white powder and began counting the amount.

"What? Think we'll skimp? We're all honest businessmen," Travis clicked his tongue annoyed.

"Sorry! No! It's my first time so I just wanna make sure!" NJ turned into an innocent newbie.

Only when NJ confirmed the number of products in his hand did he say he farewell and walked off into his next stop. Arriving at his location, a classy boutique, NJ entered the air-conditioned shop and handed his drug filled basket to the lady at the counter.

"I'm here to pick up my SNOW jacket."

"Understand sir," the lady nodded before presenting NJ with two shopping bags.

The shopping bags were full of clothes, or so it may seem but as NJ rummaged through, he found that underneath the clothes were a number of smaller packets of snow like powder. Stuffing the clothes back into the bag, NJ thanked the lady and left in the direction of his final spot for the day.

Entering a small opened bar a couple blocks away, NJ came face to face with a group of well known drug dealers and an apathetic looking bartender carelessly wiping the countertop. With a gesture from the bartender, NJ made his way around the counter and stood by the gentleman.

Handing him the bag of clothes and drugs, the bartender tossed aside the clothes and poured out the white packets onto the cleaned countertop. In an instant, the drug dealers in the bar came forward as the bartender distributed everyone's share. Watching the whole process, NJ was impressed by the man's slight of hand. And soon, everyone received their share and left the bar.

Now, left alone with the bartender, NJ was clueless as to what to do next. Luckily the stoned faced bartender was kind and promptly help him with next task. Handing a small ring with his gang's symbol engraved on it, the bartender shooed the errand boy away and continued to clean his bar. With the piece of jewelry, the undercover cop returned to Ceasar Heights in search for captain Sebastian.

In the office building Sebastian practically lived in, the lazy man planned on discussing with his fellow captain, Gabriel about some current issues that arose as of late. Scanning the room for any listening devices, Gabriel only spoke when he made sure the office was cleared.

"The dead body in front of the cafe was you, right?" Gabriel accused with full confidence.

"You got any proof?"

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