Happy birthday

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Y/N was seven when their father died in the middle of a gang war between many squads around the world. While living with their widowed mother they found a gift from their late father. A Pokéball with a fire type emblem box containing Kanto region Pokédex and some spare Pokéballs. As Y/N was left amazed by their find a Litten emerged from the the ball and his been partner with them ever since. Years later Y/N, an 18 year old trainer along with their Incineraor adventure not to far from the Aloha region and easily take on an foe that stands in their way...while dealing with challenges of their own.

Home, Aloha region

(Y/N): Incineroar you have to take a bath or at least a shower now.

(Incineroar): Hell no! I'm completely fine like this.

(Y/N): You may be fine but what about everyone else, you leave footprints all over the floor and it's hard to wash those off.

(Incineroar): I'm not taking a bath. That's final.

Incineroar leaves a stern look on her face as she stares towards Y/N's direction. This is a sign of dominance for her, once she glares at her opponent it's bye bye for them.

(Y/N): If you don't get in the water right now I'll...I'll-

(Incineroar): You'll what, put me inside my ball.

(Y/N): I'll fight you my self, I can take you on!

A silence filled the backyard of the house as both individuals stared at each other. Suddenly Incineroar bursts out in laughter almost dropping to the floor at Y/N's words. Even when she was on her knees she was basically towering over them.

(Incineroar): Fine I'll get in the water, only because you made me laugh at your pathetic attempt to make me seem small.

(Y/N): Thank you.

(You follow Incineroar into the bathroom as she starts contemplating over a simple shower. She looks back at you in slight anger as she strips. Respectfully you look away and wait for her to get in the water. As she submerges herself in the water her body starts emitting steam as the tub boils.)

(Y/N): Hey...you know I can't help you if the water is this hot!

Incineroar: Deal with it...

(Y/N): Incineroar what did I do to piss you off today?

Incineroar: nothing...I just don't like water or taking a bath, I'm not a litten anymore you know.

(Y/N): I know that. I understand stand that my big girl doesn't want to be treated like a child anymore!

Incineroar blushed a little as she turned away from Y/N after hearing his compliment.

Incineroar; D..don't call me that!

(Y/N): *I start scrubbing her fur on her back* ok ok! Here I'll do your back and then you can do everything else fair?

Incineroar: Fine...only because it's your birthday I'm not gonna toss you around like I always do.

(Y/N): Thats ok by me

Y/N finished washing her back and exits the bathroom were they starts to set up the table for dinner. They make their favorite childhood meal spaghetti for dinner. As you prepare the pasta and the right type of seasoning you hear the front doorknob open. It was your mom and her Rilaboom who walked inside the house.

(Y/N): Hey mom! How was your guy's day?

Mom: Busy, the clubs get insane the there a full moon. *starts rubbing her own neck*

(Y/N): Sorry to hear that.

Mom: don't worry about it, it's not this affects your birthday. Plus this is gonna go for a whole month, people are crazy for the dark types...especially the umbreon chick.

Tomboy Incineraor x Pokemon TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now