Hypnosis (Creepy/Gore warning)

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Y/N: On second thought. I forgot how big the door was.

Lunala: See. No big deal.

Y/N: Just don't freak out my mom if she's here alright? I don't think her heart can take much more of what's been happening with me.

Lunala: How old are you, and your still living with your mom?

Y/N: Nineteen, why?

Lunala: I'm not making fun of you I'm actually praising you. It's pretty cool in my opinion that you still want to be by her side rather than on your own now.

Incineroar: For the record, I claimed half of the bed alright?

Lunala: Pfft don't worry I won't sleep on the bed. I have talons. I'll just hang from the ceiling.

Zeraora: How can you sleep comfortably like that?

Y/N: You guys can talk it out once we get in alright? You open the door and walk inside your home.

???: Oi there mate! Took ya long enough to come home!

Y/N: Gloria?! What are you doing here?!

Gloria: Don't fear me. I'm not here for a fight, just checking up on ya. Who's that ya got there?

Y/N: Um-

Lunala: Hi there! I'm Lunala, you must be one of the Galar twins y/n talked about on the way here.

Gloria: Is it just me or do I see a theme of nothing but females on her team, mate?

Y/N: It's not what it looks like I promise you. Where's my mom?

Gloria: She's upstairs sleeping, you can check up in her she's not dead. I'd never hurt a friend.

Y/N: Right....

Gloria: Look you paranoid cunt, I already had my share of these other trainers. The paldea kids are out of the picture. Well at least from the tournament.

Gloria stood up from the table and asked towards you. She seems at ease and trustworthy as she approaches you.

Y/N: And your brother?

Gloria: He's at home being too much of a pussy to even fight a Morpeko.

Y/N: Those things are vicious little shits though.

Gloria: Either way, he hasn't left the house since we got back. I had to deal with the paldea kids all by myself. Two wins for Galar and it's all because of me.

Y/N: Hmm....alright. I'm trusting you, only because your a close friend and surely you won't back stab me right?

Gloria: I've never lied in my life. I swear mate, no lies, no fights unless you want to.

Y/N: Lunala guard the door, Zeraora guard my moms room and Incineroar stay with me.

Zeraora swiftly runs towards your moms room while Lunala fazed into ground with a grin on her face.

Incineroar: Paranoid much?

Y/N: Just incase.

Gloria: Look mate, I get it, you're scared of losing her or anyone around you. I ain't a monster, I'm an asshole. Look.

Gloria unbuckles her belt and lays a display of Pokéballs on the table.

Gloria: I'm unarmed. Ok? No need to be a bitch with me.

Y/N: I'm not afraid of you, not entirely. I can trust you and Victor I just can't trust everyone else.

You hear your food knock. You heart starts to beat slightly faster as you walk towards it. Suddenly you received a call from a mysterious number. As you answer the phone, Gloria grabbed her Pokéballs and covers the backyard. Incineroar hid behind the door as you answer the call.

Tomboy Incineraor x Pokemon TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now