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Lunala: y/n? y/n?

Espeon: They're not responding? Are they-

Hypno: Under hypnosis? Yes. And once I get rid of you two I'll be able to feast on their souls.

Lunala: You're a twisted freak.

Hypno: I'm not like all my sisters and brothers. They are the weak ones. I simply decided to end a cycle. Use after use, I'm no longer a slave to them. I'm free. Free to finish what was bestowed upon me.

Espeon: I can't get into his head. He's in ours but he blocks me out every time I try.

Lunala: We're just gonna have to break him. What ever it takes to get this asshole six feet under without any way of getting out.

Espeon: I'm already liking you~


???: y/n? You awake buddy? Hello?

Y/N: Huh? Who's there?

???: Come on! You and Litten are gonna be late for school!

You wake up in a familiar place. One you've tried to forget about for years. As you wipe your eyes and look at the figure, you answer to your father. His hair was nice and brushed and his beard wasn't shredded or full of parasites. He smiled as he pat your back.

Y/N: Dad?!

Dad: The one and only kiddo!

You jump out of your bed and give him a hug. You bury your face into his chest and cried all over his shirt.

Dad: Whoa there kiddo! Everything alright?

Y/N: Dad! You're alive! You're actually here and not a zombie trying to eat me!

Dad: Zombie? Back to watching those scary movies huh? Come on, hurry and get dressed. You got a busy day today?

Y/N: Wait! What do you mean?!

As you get to your feet and look back up, you notice that you somehow made it from your bed to the table. You're left in confusion while your mom brings you a plate of pancakes with a glass of moomoo milk. Litten jumps onto your lap and tries to snag one of your pancakes.

Mom: Hey hey! If you're so hungry why didn't you just ask Litten?

Y/N: Wait how did I.....I-I know what day it is. No it can't be...

Dad: Come on kiddo! Finish your breakfast.

Y/N: Wait Mom, Dad, I don't wanna go today. Can I use one of my sick days?

Mom: And miss out on your graduation? I think not. Come on it's only one more day of a school.

Litten: Nyaaa!

Y/N: No I can't go!

You covers your eyes trying to cover your tears. As you open them once more you stand in a group of children. Parents waiting for their loved ones as you walk between crowds of people.

Y/N: N-no. I can't....not again...


Espeon: Ok....guess throwing a bunch of rocks at him didn't gonna work.

Lunala: What's it gonna take to get in his head?

Hypno: Give up children. You can't defeat me. Just give your lives up and I'll promise a fate better than death.

The wild Hypno places his palm on the ground and causes it to shake. Hands and multiple limbs come out from the ground as corpses dig their way out. The two psychic Pokémon stood surrounded by the army of undead humans and Pokémon. Lunala quickly took to the skies but was quickly dragged back by a Lickitung. Espeon quickly cuts the Pokémon long tongue, freeing Lunala.

Tomboy Incineraor x Pokemon TrainerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora