Temper and embarresment

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The sun shines through an open area of your curtain. The rat starts bothering you for in you to wake up. You feel a bit crowed as you open your eyes. Last night was a wild one for you, you lost your virginity and gained a new Pokémon or girl in the process. As you fully awaken you find Incineroar asleep like a child taking up the entire bed and the Meowscarada from last night sleeping on your chest, unclothed but covered with the sheet over her.

(Y/N): Heh...fuck me...

You get out of bed without waking up the other two and walk to the kitchen. You warm up some of yesterdays food and make yourself a coffee. While you wait for the food the girls walk in the kitchen yawing. Incineroar checks the fridge and Meowscarada sits on the table browsing through her phone. Knowing that their both awake, you get coffee ready for them.

(Y/N): Y..You guys ok?

Incineroar: Tired. Need energy.
Meowscarada: Pretty good.

(Y/N): Ok.


You all sit at the table in silence drinking your coffee. Eventually you grow a little concerned about why Meowscarada is still in your house.

(Y/N): Um..shouldn't you be..uh working or something.

Meowscarada: Not today. You were my last one yesterday before you started railing me. Plus I live alone so I don't have a curfew.

(Y/N): Oh..I see. *embarrassed*
Incineroar: Hehe..

Meowscarada: You don't mind if I stay here right? I'll pay rent if I have to.

(Y/N): I mean...(aw come on, now I'm gonna feel bad if I don't. I did just unexpectedly....) yeah why not!

Meowscarada: Cool. I'll be back then.

(Y/N): Wait where are you going? And is that one of my shirts?

Meowscarada: Going home to grab my things, which is only a backpack and a box of stuff. And yes this is one of your shirts, your girl let me have it. Bye!

She walks out the door driving away on her motorcycle.

(Y/N): You gave her my shirt?

Incineroar: Yeah. Got a problem with it?

(Y/N): No not at all. Except that I might've gotten to excited yesterday.

Incineroar: Relax. I wouldn't have done it if you didn't think you were the strong one yesterday. Now you get to sleep with two girls, isn't that great?

(Y/N): I don't know...she did scratch me a lot last night.

Incineroar: A little rough play doesn't hurt. It probably was her first time too? Hmm..I didn't see any blood so maybe not? Eh...

(Y/N): I'm gonna go take a shower. Could you wash my sheets sunscreen you got them all wet?

Incineroar: Hey it wasn't just me!

(Y/N): Majority of it was you. Sorry to say but you sweat like an Arcanaine.

You walk off into the bathroom leaving Incineroar alone in the kitchen.

Incineroar: I don't sweat that badly do I? *sniffs armpit* oh...

-in the bathroom———————————————

You talk to yourself as to stand there soaking in the raining water.

(Y/N): What am I gonna tell mom? *you lay your head on the shower wall*

You get out of the shower a dry yourself. You brush your teeth and brush your hair before hearing someone talk outside of the bathroom. Thinking that Meowscarada came back from her quick trip. You finish up in the bathroom by brushing your hair and putting your dirty clothes in a clothes bin. As you walk downstairs you see Incineroar and Meowscrada laughing a something, almost like they weren't alone.

(Y/N): Sorry, I was just in the sho-

As you enters the kitchen you find out that the two Pokémon were having a conversation with your mother about things that occurred while she was away.

(Y/N): H..hey mom? What are you doing here?

Mom: Well the trip got canceled so they sent us home with a week off. I see you got busy while I was gone. The house is spotless and the entire box of condoms is empty.

(Y/N): *I didn't use that much right?*

Mom: It had about a hundred or so when I left it. Did you guys start making balloons with them, or did you really use them for their purposes one hundred times?

(Y/N): I...uh don't want to talk about it. *Fucken hell? What did I do last night?*

Mom: Oh speaking about that I was just talking to your second. She's really nice, you really have a thing for cats don't you?

(Y/N): Mom stop..I'm not seven anymore I'm 19.

Mom: You still live in my house therefore I get to embarrass you all I want in front of your now two girlfriends/Pokémon. It's only fair even if your an adult now.

(Y/N): *yeah...why do I still live here? Right...houses are expensive. I would go with an apartment but credit is stupid.*
Right..uh Incineroar, Meowscarada let's go out and grab something to eat.

Meowscarada: But don't you have food in the fridge?

(Y/N): Yeah...but what I meant was for us to go eat outside of the house.

Meowscarada: But you were jus- ooh...yeah that. Sorry miss I completely forgot about lunch today.

She stood up and grabbed her backpack and waved goodbye as she walked out the door. Incineroar simply shrugged and started walking towards the door but was stopped by Y/N.

(Y/N): Uh...clothes?

She looks down at her half nude body and looks back up.

Incineroar: Oh...right..clothes...

She runs upstairs and comes back with some torn black jeans and a black leather jacket.

Incineroar: Is this good enough?

(Y/N): Yep! Come on let's go to the beach!

The trio run out of the house and make their way to the beach. On the way there Y/N could feel more embarrassed that their mother made it home after an eventful night. Incineroar gets along with Meowscarada as they walk behind Y/N. They make it to a park where Meowscarada challenges them to a bike race. They both come to an agreement and rented out three bicycles for the challenge. The would race to the pier and met a sharp turn. Meowscarada with absolute confidence makes a sharp right using a sign as a ramp and speeding up. Y/N tries the same but skips out on the sign. Incineroar follows both and ends up breaking the steering wheel of the bicycle crashing into the water by the pier.

Y/N: Damn! How the fuck do you have all this stamina?!

Meowscarada: What's that? Can't hear you, too busy winning!

You could feel your legs pumping at full speed but can't seem to catch up to her. You both approach the agreed finish line when you both hear what sounded like a falling missile. Crashing down into the sand like a meteor while turning the ground to glass was Incineroar soaked from top to bottom.

Incineroar: I....win....assholes...

Y/N: A..are you um..ok?
Meowscarada: You good Inci?

She glared at the both of you while sending steam off of her body. Her chest exposed itself more and hardened. Her shorts were tighter than before and her tail flickered back and forth.


Y/N: B..but you didn't win with the bike-


You look at Mewoscarada and she looks at you. You both give each other a face that displays signs of trouble.

Y/N: She's pissed...
Meowscarada: She's pissed.

Tomboy Incineraor x Pokemon TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now