Sword and Shield

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Y/N: How are you feeling?

Incineroar: I'll be fine for the hundredth time y/n. Jesus, worried much?

Y/N: Sorry, it's just right now I'm too focused on your wounds. That Urshifu really kicked your ass.

Incineroar: He was incredible. His speed was out of this world for me. We gotta head to Galar some day.

Y/N: We'll go once you heal fully. No bullshit next day scabs either.

Incineroar: Awww your no fun.

Zeraora: At least you'll look way cooler with your scars.

Incineroar: Shit...I forgot you were a thing. Hey you really scared the crap out of everyone back there.

Zeraora: Hehe sorry about that. I just got super into the fight! That Infernape was a bit mouthy but I can tell she had potential.

Incineroar: When we told you to hold back...how much were you holding back?

Zeraora: I only used about ten percent. Why do you ask?

Y/N: And how much did you use against Incineroar?

Zeraora: Oh! Twenty percent. I didn't want to hurt her so I also held back.

Incineroar: Damn...how much power is in you?

Zeraora walks up and hugs you both. Incineroar grits her teeth in pain but doesn't mind the hug.

Zeraora: I gotta have this type of power to protect my friends don't I? Hehehe!

Incineroar: Looks like I got a long way to go then....hey y/n...

Y/N: Yeah? What's up?

Incineroar: We haven't seen Gloria and Victor in a while haven't we huh?

Y/N: You're not serious are you? I already know what you want and that's a no. I don't mean to be a bothersome piece of shit but your still heavily injured.

Zeraora: What's wrong with Gloria and Victor?

Y/N: Nothing Zeraora. The twins live in the Galar region, one I haven't fully studied which is why Incineroar struggled with Urshifu. They great friends but similar to me, they have very strong Pokémon.

Incineroar: Gloria and Victor have insanely strong Pokémon. And I mean like crazy strong too.

Y/N: Incineroar fought hard against those two. It failed. This was back then when she was a Torracat. No matter how much she tried, none of her blows made contact with the twins.

Zeraora: And who are the two Pokémon?

Incineroar: Zacian and Zamazenta. Galar's greatest heroes, and an unbreakable team.

Y/N: Like many Pokémon or people before our time, one of Earth's most perfect weapons for a battle were a sword and shield.

Zeraora: A sword and shield...

Y/N: Zacian, one of the planet's greatest swordsman. She's quick and agile. Able to move possibly as fast or faster than you Zeraora. She's always calm with her attacks and callers when someone manages to land a blow on her.

Zeraora: And the other one? Zamazenta?

Y/N: Zacian's brother. A walking tank. He's more grounded than his sister but he's a heavy hitter. Although much slower it'll take someone like Arceus to make him move. He's almost like a tree refusing to fall to a storm. Strong and able to take any hit with pride and ease. He's the shield to Zacian, his protector while she attacks fiercely.

Incineroar: And if I wanna become stronger, I'm gonna need to kick someone's ass. Specifically someone stronger than me that way I can reach your level.

Tomboy Incineraor x Pokemon TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now