Not What Was Expected.

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Mom: It's been a couple hours Rily...I wonder what's taking y/n so long to get back home. That is if he chooses to get back home.


Rilaboom: Sounds like they're gonna be home soon. I'll get the bath ready for Incineroar, looks like she came back with a temper.

Y/N rushes through the door along with Meowscarada and close it behind them. They try barricading the door but are pushed back. Incineroar gently opens and close the door and then proceeded to continue to rampage.


Mom: Let me guess...she won and the bet was anything?

Y/N: Yep! Get the bath ready mom! I don't know how much longer I can run!

Mom: Rilaboom's already of ahead of you.

Incineroar grabs y/n from the legs and starts to drag them into the bedroom.

Y/N: No no noo! I want to live! I want to live!

Meowscarada grabs y/n by his upper body and tries pulling him out of Incineroar's grasp but ends up sliding across the floor.

Meowscarada: Jeez lay off the gym for a couple of weeks!

The trio slowly approach the room before Incineroar felt lighter. Rilaboom picked her up by her neck and tail tossing her outside into a pool full of freezing water. She rose from the water shivering and her anger slowly went away. She comes out of the pool and looks at Meowscarada and y/n in a saddened mood.

Incineroar: not...f..f..fair...

Y/N: Maybe we can do something other know...breaking my pelvis.

Meowscarada: I've only know you guys for a day and understand him more than you. I also don't to get my ass eaten again in another couple months or so.

Incineroar: T..t..the...fu..fuck am I s..s..supposed to do then.

She stood there slightly annoyed while shivering in the cold. Suddenly Meowscarada thought of an idea that my bring even more regret to y/n

Meowscarada: We could go to a club. They had nudes and everything there...including sex if you want an-

Y/N: I'm gonna stop you there. I know you mean well but a club that allows sex and shit? I don't have that type of money and I don't know how I'll be able to contain her there.

Meowscarada: I got a friend who works there. She'll be able to hook us up with an angry and everything they can provide! I'll message her right know and see if we can get in.

Y/N: W..wait...dammit...

You look back at Incineroar which a smirk on her face.

Y/N: You horny bastard...are you on heat or what?

Incineroar: The moment I evolve into an Incineroar I'm always in heat. Right now I'm just choosing to not control it.

Y/N: Either way there's no way we're gonna get in that club-

Meowscarada: I got us in!

Y/N: you gotta be fucken kidding me...

Incineroar rises with joy and beats up her body like nothing.

Incineroar: Where to?!

Meowscarada: Where gonna head down the street a couple black from here and then take a right when we reach the Pokéstop.

Y/N: there's a club next to the Pokéstop....unbelievable. *sigh* it's better than getting my ass dragged to my bed I guess. Come on let's go.

You and the other two Pokémon travel to the club and meet up with the bouncer. A very tall, bulging muscles and stern attitude Garchomp waiting at the door. Meowscarada walks up to him and they have a conversation with each other. They both laugh and he eventually lets the three of you in. Your ears are immediately invaded with the sound of loud music and people conversing. It starts out more innocent than expected until you approach a railing leading to the rest of the building. Multiple Pokémon in very revealing outfits are dancing, drinking with others or lead into the "private rooms". You look at the sight with confusion while Incineroar watches in awe.

Tomboy Incineraor x Pokemon TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now