Chapter 3

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Mina's POV

I feel weak, my body becoming numb.

"I can't feel anything..."
I cough up.

"You need to sleep. You've lost a lot of blood," he whispers softly.

I fall asleep.

Vladimir's POV

I had lost control. She was to be my bride and yet I have hurt her. I've tasted her blood and couldn't stop. I nearly killed her. I walked towards the chair in the corner of the room. I sat there and watched her sleep. After a while I got up and got inside my coffin.
Sunlight burns vampires skin.

I let her sleep alone in a bed. She deserved it after what I did to her. She probably hates me. What have I done?

Mina's POV

Every muscle in my body ached.

I could barely sit up and move my arms. I reached for where he had bitten me. Another bandage covered it. I left it alone.
I glance out the window and saw the full moon. It's pale light shining down at me.

"Vl...Vladi...mir!" I stutter.
He comes rushing in.

Vladimir's POV

"Vladimir!" I hear her faintly stutter.

I get out of my coffin and dash towards her room.

I open the door to see her sitting up on the bed.

Mina's POV

"What's wrong, my love?" He asks me.

It had been a day and a half and yet I wasn't getting any better. I feared that I'd die from infection or fever.

"I'm not getting better," I say coughing up some blood. "I feel like I'm dying..."

"Death will not lay a hand on you!" He says. He makes a slit with his finger on his forearm.

"Drink. It will heal you," he encourages me, placing his forearm against my lips.

I feel a drop of his blood roll down my throat. The taste is bitter but it doesn't last long. The metallic taste is replaced with a sweetness like nothing I have ever tasted. With each swallow, I feel my body becoming stronger.

"Enough, you'll turn if you have any more." He pulls his arm away from my face. The slice quickly heals and he lays down next to me.

I no longer felt weak. "Thank you," I say quietly.

I wipe away the blood around my mouth and look at him.

Maybe he isn't a monster..

He pulls me closer to him. I cuddle with him and I place my head on his chest.

I listen for a heartbeat. Nothing.

"Are you dead?" I ask.

He looks down at me and starts to run his hand through my hair.

"No. I know you're confused about me. Feel free to ask me anything."

"How did you become a vampire?" I ask.

"I wasn't always a monster. I was a feared warrior and ruler of this land. Engulfed in the war that I was brought into as a child, I slaughtered thousands of my enemies in my rage. A priestess from my city plotted against me, claiming that I was hellbent on war and blood thirsty. She cursed me to forever suffer for my sins..."

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