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A sharp pain shot through Taehyung's warm head, his world began to spin before his pretty lashes could flutter open. When they did, he was met by a blurry view of a car again. At first he assumed he had just fallen asleep in the car for a few minutes, but there's no way he'd be getting sleep if he had just been kidnapped.

The scenery also looked so much more different than what he last saw. Instead of the usual wide space and clear skies, everything was close together and the sky was grey.

The houses which he was used to be big, even if you were low income, were now all brick and lined up beside each other. Instead of kids riding bicycles down the road and messing around, there were a few miserable people walking down the road with plastic bags in the hands and cigarettes in their mouths.

"Where are we?" Taehyung's voice came out as a whisper and faced forward to Jeongguk who was now wearing a different set of clothing.

"England." Jeongguk answered. Truthfully speaking, he did not expect Taehyung to be asleep for so long. He thought the boy would wake up mid flight at least once, but he hadn't budged even a little.

"I need to pee." Taehyung whined and leaned against the car seat ahead of him, "Why are you on the right side?"

"They drive on the left side." Jeongguk replied and checked his maps to see they still had a while until they were at their neighbourhood.

"I really need to pee, and brush my teeth." Taehyung poked Jeongguk who glared at him through the rear view mirror and shoved his hand away, "Rude, we were literally best friends when we were 6. You know what, maybe that's why I'm not scared? Because I've seen your butt cheeks before."

"We're gonna drive through a city soon and there should be a stop for you to eat and pee." Jeongguk ignored his strange comments and focused on the road ahead. Unfortunately, that didn't last long when Taehyung let out a groan and kicked the car seat aggressively.

"I need to brush my teeth!"

"Stop it!" Jeongguk snapped his head towards the boy who took that as an opportunity to shove his foot in his face, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"I need to pee right now!" Taehyung loudly whined hoping it would annoy Jeongguk enough to pull over.

Instead, Jeongguk pulled out a gun.

"Sit back quietly, I told you we will pull over soon." Jeongguk pointed it back at Taehyung who instantly shut up and fell back onto the car seats.

"So dramatic." Taehyung muttered to himself and crossed his arms, "Are you not gonna call my mum and ask for money or something? Or let me call her?"

"I already have," Jeongguk partially lied. He had called the woman, but not to ask for money, just inform her that Taehyung was safe with him and already getting on his nerves.

"Can you pull over at a gas station or something so I can ask to use their toilet?" Taehyung asked the man who hummed, taking a sudden turn towards a nearby gas station.

I'll just scream for help, easy. Taehyung smirked to himself, playing out the idea in his head.

He could imagine himself walking to the cashier, preferably a hot one, and begging to be saved which would result in him in the hands of a built man who had planned on marrying after.

He dreamily sighed, staring out the window until Jeongguk began to pull over into a gas station.

"There's a Greggs too so if you're hungry you can get that." Jeongguk picked up a gun and another object Taehyung couldn't identify, but he was more concerned about the weapon being placed in the man's pants.

"Who the fuck is Greggs?" Taehyung asked and then gasped, "Oh shit I swor- oh fuck- oh shit!"

"Are you 12?"

"No just really traumatised by a wooden spoon." Taehyung gave him a thin lipped smile and stepped out of the car, inhaling the fresh air outside, "What month is it in England?"

"Same as in Korea." Jeongguk walked over to Taehyung and roughly grabbed his arm.

"Doesn't look like August to me." Taehyung mumbled looking up at the grey sky that was slowly starting to spit out some rain.

"Go, don't do anything stupid." Jeongguk shoved Taehyung forward who winced and rubbed his arm, "He needs the toilet," Jeongguk spoke to the cashier who looked up with lifeless eyes.

Unfortunately for Taehyung, the cashier wasn't an extremely hot built man that would save his life but instead some random man that probably hated his job and did drug dealing outside of work.

The man picked up some keys and unlocked the toilet inside, not saying a word while Taehyung stepped inside.

"Fucking hell!" Taehyung immediately started yelling the second Jeongguk shut the door behind him, "Where the fuck is the window?! Do you shit in here or store dead bodies?!" He gagged, knocking repeatedly on the door.

Jeongguk ignored him yelling and started to pick up snacks for them, placing them down on the counter and taking out his black card. The card wasn't his but one Ms. Kim had gave him to spend on Taehyung for the next few weeks, or perhaps even months.

"Have a good day." The cashier mumbled once Jeongguk had paid for everything and turned to the toilet that Taehyung burst out of.

"Never mind, I'll hold my pee in," Taehyung breathed heavily and placed desperate hands on Jeongguk's shoulders who kept a straight face, "Oh right- help!" He suddenly began to scream.

The cashier and Jeongguk stared at him with two different expressions; scared and annoyed.

"Help! I've been kidnapped!" Taehyung continued to announce catching the attention of the girl working in the Greggs next to them, "He's a gang member! Call the police!"

Jeongguk sighed and reached into his pocket, taking out a badge, "He's an escaped lunatic, I'm the officer in charge of bringing him back," he flashed the ID and placed it back into his pocket.

The cashier just nodded and began to bag all of the items, not sparing a a glance at Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at him with his jaw parted in disbelief, rapid breaths coming out from how surprised he was, "What the-"

"Have a good day." Jeongguk mumbled before grabbing the bag of snacks and Taehyung by his arm, dragging him out of the gas station and back to their car.

Taehyung whined and stumbled beside him, yelping when Jeongguk shoved him into the backseat and slammed the door shut.

"What the hell?! How do you even have an ID?!" Taehyung breathed heavily, wiping the sweat on his forehead that had formed due to all the yelling and thrashing about.

"I told you not to do anything stupid in there." Jeongguk gritted his teeth and took out his gun while Taehyung just rolled his eyes and leaned forward.

"What made you think I wouldn't try to escape? I-" Before Taehyung could finish his sentence, the rough end of a gun collided with his head which instantly knocked him out.

Jeongguk gently pushed the boy into the backseat and started up the car again, placing his gun away and sighed annoyed.

Now I need to buy pain killers.

Taehyung's acting so funny in this book guys

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