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Jeongguk tiredly rolled his shoulders and glanced back at Taehyung who was still fast asleep and sprawled out on the bed. He was jealous that the other could sleep so peacefully whereas he had to wake up every hour to make sure Taehyung wasn't going something stupid.

His eyes darted down to his phone that was lowly buzzing. The number was a no caller ID but he could guess who it was from so he hastily made his way to the bathroom.

"Hello? Jeongguk, how is he?" Ms. Kim worriedly asked on the other end.

"He's doing well." Jeongguk honestly replied and leaned against the sink. He made sure to answer quietly so that Taehyung wouldn't hear.

"Are you sure? Is he not too upset? Is he scared?"

"No surprisingly, he just keeps asking me questions but I ignore them or find ways around it. I'm sure he misses you though." Jeongguk smiled when he heard the woman sigh on the other end and sadly chuckle.

"I hope I can fix this gang stuff soon. Just 3 more months before I can see him again."

"It'll go by fast Ms. Kim, don't worry." Jeongguk reassured the woman who hummed.

"Alright, take care now and call me if anything goes wrong."

"Of course." Jeongguk shortly ended the call and made his way back to the room where Taehyung was still fast asleep. He sighed and walked over, shaking the boy gently to wake him up.

He didn't want Taehyung awake, but he had to make sure that he was still healthy and well fed if he wanted money.

"What?" Taehyung whined and sat up, rubbing his puffy eyes with the palm of his hands, "Oh right, I forgot I'm still a hostage here."

"Get ready, you need to have breakfast." Jeongguk demanded the boy who huffed and made his way to the bathroom. Jeongguk followed him silently.

"Why are you following me?"

"Incase you try to do some funny shit." Jeongguk coldly stared at the boy who leaned against the door frame with an annoyed look.

"If I need to shower?"

"Even then."

Taehyung hummed and began to brush his teeth, he glanced back at Jeongguk who watched him attentively and with a blank expression. I wonder if he's actually gonna watch me shower.

He rinsed his mouth and washed his face. Without thinking twice, he hooked his pretty fingers around his top and began to strip. A smirk was plastered on his face and he turned around to face Jeongguk to see if he would be flustered.

Surprisingly, Jeongguk still had the exact same expression and was just watching him.

That's a first. Taehyung looked down at his boxers and frowned. I'm not gonna go that far.

"Oops, forgot to get new clothes out." Taehyung innocently walked past the man and over to his backpack where there were some fresh outfits.

Jeongguk let out the quiet breath he had been holding since Taehyung began to strip and turned around to watch him change. "Are you gonna wear those thick pants?"

"Well you should've thought twice before packing, my balls are gonna be so sweaty thanks to you." Taehyung shot him a glare and slipped them on, "Where are we eating?"

"Just downstairs, they do a British breakfast every morning." Jeongguk gabbed the boy by his arm and began to drag him downstairs while completely ignoring his protests.

"No can we please go McDonalds!" Taehyung whined and tried to escape Jeongguk's grip but he was forced to sit down at a mini table regardless, "Please! I'll stop being annoying!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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