Chapter 6: When I'm Older

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"Did you know that an Enchanted Forest is a place of transformation? I have no idea what that means, but I can't wait to see what it's gonna do to each one of us." Olaf said, being unknowingly ominous.

At his words, Elias, Anna, (Y/n), Kristoff and Sven all glanced at each other and exchanged concerned looks as they walked through the mist.

Suddenly, an invisible force began shoving them all forward.

"Ah, what is this!?"

"No pushing!"

"Stop it!"

"Woah, Woah, Woah!"

"Too fast!"

They were all pushed out of the mist and into the forest. Olaf turns back around and rushed towards the most only to be bounced back out over and over again.

Elias tried to part the mist again, but it didn't work this time.

"And we're locked in. Should've seen that one coming." Anna commented.

Elias turned around and gasped in awe. "This forest is beautiful."

The others turned around as well, taking in the sight of tall birch trees with orange, red and yellow leaves.

Sven ran up to one tree and began rubbing his back against it.

Anna and Kristoff broke away from the group and stood at the edge of a cliff where they could see the dam that Arendelle gave to the Northuldra.

"The dam. It still stands." Anna said in amazement. "It was in Grand Pabbie's visions, but why?"

"I don't know. But it's still in good shape, thank goodness." Kristoff added.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if that dam broke, it would send a tidal wave so big it would wash away everything on this fjord." He explained.

Anna's eyes widened. "Everything? But Arendelle is on this fjord."

"Nothing is going to happen to Arendelle Anna, it's gonna be fine." He reassured, pulling her into a hug.

Over her shoulder, Kristoff saw Sven nudge his hoof at him, signaling that he should propose.

Kristoff understood and cleared his throat. "You know, under different circumstances, this would be a uh, pretty romantic place. Don't you think?"

Anna broke away from the hug and looked up at him. "Different circumstances? You mean like with someone else?"

"What? No! No. I just case we don't make it out of here..."

"Wait, what? You don't think we're gonna make it out of here?!"

"No. No! I mean, no, we will make it out of here. Well, technically the odds are kinda complicated, but my point is..." Kristoff took Anna's hand and began to kneel down. "In case we die—."

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