Time for an apology

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"I came to see your bookshop too?" -Crowley answered in an unsure tone while looking everywhere expect at Aziraphale but the angel knew that Crowley didn't care about books..and still he didn't wanna call him out for the lying..he didn't want to make him feel worse then he already did before..so he just stood there in silence for a moment..scared that if he spoke up he would say something wrong and hurt Crowley again..and he didn't want to do that,he wanted the opposite..he felt ashamed and nervous because of how they parted the last time they saw one another.
But neither did Crowley..he didn't want to speak first either,he felt awkward and confused..even he himself didn't know why he kept coming back to Aziraphale's bookshop...he didn't know if he should try to act like nothing happened,if he should leave or just wait for the other to speak.
And so they stood there looking at eachother in silence for a while..well it was more Aziraphale staring at Crowley and the demon trying to avoid eyecontact the whole time,keeping his hands in
his pockets,glasses over the eyes that were darting around the books on the shelves..
And eventually Aziraphale built up the couruge to speak up first, "..Crowley can we-" -but before he could finish he was interrupted by Muriel who rushed back into the bookshop with a nervous smile
and while moving their hands around and spoke up, "I couldn't find your book Mister Aziraphale..The man that I sold it to went far away and I couldn't catch up..I tried yelling but I don't think he heard me because they just started running even faster.." -they spoke in a little confused tone and looked between Aziraphale and Crowley, "Is something going on?Are you having another secret conversation" -they asked in a quieter tone while leaning forward with an excited expression and continued, "Oh that means I shouldn't listen,yeah?"
Aziraphale smiled at their innocence and put a hand on their shoulder, "It is alright friend,we will continue our...disscusion in another room,why don't you go ahead and clean the books a bit?Maybe check if they are all in the right order"  -he didn't need to say any more then that because Muriel were already on their way to the other shelves and started reading the tiltes of the books
out loud while moving them around.
"Shall we..?" -Aziraphale gestured to the other room nervously but to his surprise Crowley walked in himself without complaining and took a seat.Aziraphale followed soon after,closing the door behind them and taking a seat across Crowley before speaking softly, "Crowley..I think it is time for an apology now"
Those words left Crowley in shock..was Aziraphale expecting another apology from him? What for? For refusing to leave to heaven with him? For coming to his bookshop when he is not there anymore?
"Excuse me?!" -Crowley stood up abruptly,his voice filled with disbelief as he was already starting to feel angry, "I'm not apologising for anything angel!If you are trying to make a fool out of me then it is not going to work this time!" -and he got ready to leave the room when he felt a hand grab his arm out of nowhere and then Aziraphale's voice..

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