A desperate apology

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"No dear...no..I wasn't asking you for an apology but rather.." -and he stoped for a moment as he thought and looked down at his hand that was holding onto Crowley's arm desperately to make him stay,he wasn't sure which words to use,uow to explain without blaming the other.After taking a deep breath he looked back up at Crowley and continued, "It is my time to apologise..to you..Trying to force you to go back to heaven with me..to become an angel and act like nothing happened..it was selfish from me to do..I only though about what was good for the universe..I wanted to bring change to heaven and make it what it is supposed to be and..while I was doing that I forgot about my own needs..and about what you want aswell..Being an archangel is truly magnificent but..it doesn't feel right when I can't share that feeling with you...Crowley..I'm sorry...from the depths of my heart.I want to apologise to you for any unpleasant feeling that I brought upon you...I was scared of your sudden confession and...nothing lasts forever so that's why we can't-" but Crowley interrupted him by adding, "That's why we can't be an 'us',that's why you are rejecting me for the second time when I didn't even confess again?" -he spoke as he ripped his arm out of Aziraphale's grasp, "You already told me this once so why are you repeating it to me..it's not going to change my decision and-"
-then again an interuption..this time Aziraphale interrupted him,it's like they just couldn't stop missunderstanding each other and not leting the other speak,so he continued in a soft tone, "No..not us Crowley..When I said that nothing lasts forever I meant our peace on earth..that it can't always stay like that..some things need to change and that sooner or later it will be our turn to bring that change..But us..we knew each other for a long time and..I really hope that 'us' is a forever" -and silence...They stood there in front of eachother,only inches apart..Crowley took his glasses off and looked deep into Aziraphale's eyes, "Angel..You don't mean that" -he said in a dissmisive tone,refusing to believe it.
It was making Aziraphale desperate,he wanted Crowley to understand but it's like he wasn't listening so.. he decided to show him..
"Oh Crowley" -were the last words that came form Aziraphale with a soft smile because moments later he grabbed Crowley by his tie and pulled him closer...he was feeling nervous..scared..but at the
same time..Crowley kissed him last time so that must be what he wants..maybe that it the only thing that would make Crowley believe that Aziraphale was being honest to him now so..

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